- 1). Look for the best plants. Pick healthy specimens of your best-tasting green pepper varieties. Make sure the plant from which you'd like to gather seed is an open-pollinated variety -- not a hybrid. The seed from a hybrid pepper won't necessarily produce fruit that is similar to the parent plant. This can result in undesirable surprises.
- 2). Harvest the pepper. Wait until the green pepper is slightly over-ripe. It should still be fully edible but with a slightly wrinkled skin. Pull or snip the pepper off the plant.
- 3). Remove the seeds. With a sharp knife, slice the top off the pepper very close to the stem. Cut the pepper in half and scrape all the seeds away from the ribs with a knife.
- 4). Dry the seeds by spreading them out on a paper towel. Make sure the seeds are separated so they won't remain clumped together when they are dry. Leave them undisturbed for several days until they are thoroughly dry and can be handled without sticking together.
- 5). Store the seeds until spring. Place them in envelopes or jars and keep them in a cool, dry location, such as an unheated basement or your refrigerator. Label the seeds with the variety of pepper, the date you collected them, and any planting instructions.