- 1). Unscrew the bolt that holds the negative connection to your car's battery and move this cable out of the way. If your car has a fuel pump relay, remove this part and start your car. Let your car run until the fuel halts flow to the engine and shuts off.
- 2). Place a liquid container underneath the radiator and remove the filler cap. Remove the drain plug or radiator hose on the bottom side of the radiator, allowing all engine coolant to completely drain into the container. Replace only the drain plug or connecting hose when this is complete, leaving the filler cap off for later coolant use. Set the engine coolant aside so that it does not interfere with the rest of the process.
- 3). Twist off the oil cap to remove the engine cover if your car has one installed. In engines with carburetors, the intake manifold is located beneath the air cleaner without the need for an engine cover. No matter if your car is fuel-injected or has a carburetor, the air cleaner must be disconnected and set aside.
- 4). Identify all electrical wiring, cables and hoses with the tape and a black marker. When disconnecting and reconnecting these parts during this procedure, it is imperative that each connects back to the appropriate equipment. Remove all sensors that run from the engine's alternator or throttle body.
- 5). Disconnect the hoses and valves that connect to the upper intake manifold with a pair of pliers. Set these connectors aside so that they are out of the way of the manifolds. Detach the fuel lines that connect to their corresponding fuel rails. Prevent any fuel from leaking onto the engine with a thick paperclip or golf tee.
- 6). Unbolt the upper intake manifold from its resting position against the engine. Lift this manifold off of the engine and set it aside for later use. Pry the upper gasket off of the engine with a flathead screwdriver and place it to the side.
- 7). Disconnect any remaining vacuum hoses that are attached to the lower manifold. Unscrew the bolts that hold this manifold into place. Pry the lower manifold gasket from the engine block and scrape any grime or other buildup until clean. Wipe any excess engine coolant from this area.