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Child Pornography and Spy Cams - A Horrible Mix of Crime and Technology

Child pornography is a growing concern of civilized society.
Though there are no accurate numbers regarding the children directly and indirectly involved in child pornography, with estimates varying widely from a few thousands to hundreds of thousands, the spread of Internet use and the availability of high-tech spy cams in the civilian market have spurred on its seemingly relentless advance into the fabric of society.
Definition of Child Pornography Depending on where you live, child pornography can have many definitions.
However, you only need to remember that child pornography is generally described as any pornographic material that shows children being sexually abused.
When you see children depicted as sex objects in the nude or semi-nude, shown in explicit and implicit sexual poses, and engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind, then you are seeing child pornography at its worst.
Whether you see them in confiscated spy cams or on still pictures, you have to report the crime.
Criminal Offense Even the simple possession and distribution of materials related to child pornography is punishable under federal and state laws.
For actual perpetrators and accomplices of the sexual abuse, then jail time is expected to be longer and the penalties to be higher.
This will pose a little problem for you when you are in unwitting possession of video-recording capable spy cams that are subsequently shown to contain child pornography.
However, you have the defense that punishable possession implies full knowledge of the materials with intent to use them for personal pleasure and/or for distribution to like-minded individuals.
Thus, if you stumble on spy cams, or any other camera, for that matter, surrender them to government authorities as soon as you possibly can, lest you be charged with being a perverted criminal.
You might even save a child's life in the process.
Penalties and Jail Time Depending on the state where you live in, penalties and jail time for child sex offenders and abusers vary.
If you are party to catching these criminals, you can expect to see them punished with both criminal and civil penalties.
Criminal punishments include, but are not limited to, imprisonment in a state or federal prison, monetary fines, inclusion in an international list of sex offenders, and restrictions/revocations of parole and probation.
Civil penalties include payments for all types of damages (nominal, emotional, etc.
), injunctions, and the revocation of parental rights.
Indeed, society makes child sex offenders pay for their crimes, and you can play a role in it.
A Marriage of Crime and Technology There are many marriages of crime and technology - bank robberies and transfers, Internet scams and schemes, to name a few - but the use of spy cams and the subsequent broadcast of its contents are the most horrendous of all these.
If you are unfortunate to come across child pornography in the Internet, you will be outraged and horrified about this terrible crime against our children.
And the sad fact is that these children might be your own children were it nor for a twist of fate! Indeed, spy cams have their useful and moral purposes.
But like any other product of the human mind, these are also subject to the perverted minds among us.
You can help fight this horrible, horrible crime.
Do your part now.
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