Who else wants to experience astral projection from the comfort of your very own home? If you are anything like the vast majority of "ethereal enthusiasts" I speak to, you desperately want to experience the amazing adventures in the astral for yourself..
but have thus far been unable to attain one, right? It's true..
and the vast majority of people who are super interested in the super natural will unfortunately NOT be able to have a real "taste" for themselves, simply because they've never learned the very best practices to get there.
So what are the very best techniques for guaranteed astral projection amazement? Easy! There are literally hundreds of different proven ways to get out of your body..
and we've outlined some of the easiest, especially for beginners, below! - Brain Entrainment Software Usually referred to as binural beats, or hemi or holo sync (these are the "name brands" so to speak) this technology endeavors to synchronize your brain waves into a pattern, or particular "wave" state that is conducive to exceptional, mystical experiences.
A proven path to the paranormal for sure...
and one that is dead simple to learn, and implement as well.
(because you are relying on technology to get you there) - The Magic of Meditation Yes, meditation just might be my favorite technique for induced OBE experiences.
Why? Well, it feels great, is good for your brain, is very relaxing and to be totally honest, feels the most "natural" of all of the projection techniques I've practiced.
Remember, there are many powerful permutations of mediative techniques for ethereal experiences - many "exotic" forms of yoga, for example, are a proven path to have exceptional experiences in the astral realms..
even though they'll never tell you that on the brochure..
:-) - Esoteric Exercises This may not be the most "believable" of the bunch, but playing with the paranormal is often the best gateway to the ethereal worlds.
Oija, psychic development, remote viewing exercises, medium training and much more are great gateways into the powers, and potentials that await us all..
and are highly recommended to anyone who wants to have a first hand experience on their own.
but have thus far been unable to attain one, right? It's true..
and the vast majority of people who are super interested in the super natural will unfortunately NOT be able to have a real "taste" for themselves, simply because they've never learned the very best practices to get there.
So what are the very best techniques for guaranteed astral projection amazement? Easy! There are literally hundreds of different proven ways to get out of your body..
and we've outlined some of the easiest, especially for beginners, below! - Brain Entrainment Software Usually referred to as binural beats, or hemi or holo sync (these are the "name brands" so to speak) this technology endeavors to synchronize your brain waves into a pattern, or particular "wave" state that is conducive to exceptional, mystical experiences.
A proven path to the paranormal for sure...
and one that is dead simple to learn, and implement as well.
(because you are relying on technology to get you there) - The Magic of Meditation Yes, meditation just might be my favorite technique for induced OBE experiences.
Why? Well, it feels great, is good for your brain, is very relaxing and to be totally honest, feels the most "natural" of all of the projection techniques I've practiced.
Remember, there are many powerful permutations of mediative techniques for ethereal experiences - many "exotic" forms of yoga, for example, are a proven path to have exceptional experiences in the astral realms..
even though they'll never tell you that on the brochure..
:-) - Esoteric Exercises This may not be the most "believable" of the bunch, but playing with the paranormal is often the best gateway to the ethereal worlds.
Oija, psychic development, remote viewing exercises, medium training and much more are great gateways into the powers, and potentials that await us all..
and are highly recommended to anyone who wants to have a first hand experience on their own.