Business & Finance Blogging

Learn How To Make Money Blogging The Real Way

Is Making Money With Blogs Even Worth Considering? There's been a lot of buzz lately about making money with blogs.
Obviously, there has been success among some people, while others continue to fail over and over again.
At this point, the ones who have been successful will, of course, continue to blog; while the other less fortunate ones must now move on and try conquer another way to make money from home.
But, the question still remains, doesn't it? Is there a concrete approach to making money with blogs? When blogging first came on the scene, the intention was not for folks to start earning an income.
Blogs were primarily used for voyeuristic purposes, like public journals, in a sense.
Many bloggers reviewed movies, music and products, but rarely for a profit.
The main idea was to write about things you enjoy and then sharing with a wide audience.
Blogging was also an avenue for budding unpublished writers to expose their work.
Making money with blogs was never the intention.
Of course, things have changed now.
Hosted blog sites like WordPress and Blogger have made it possible for the average blogger to add widgets.
Widgets allow you to basically add any type of monetization code to your site; this makes it profitable.
Sounds easy, right? It sounds easy, but not quite.
But, if you are willing to put in the time and brain power required to learn the correct techniques for blog monetization, you can make lots of money blogging.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
There's one golden rule, though.
And I'll tell you right here and now exactly what it is.
Don't let making money with your blog become your number one objective.
If you turn out your blog pushing every single product under the sun, you will not catch your visitor's attention.
Information overload, unfortunately, is a major turn-off.
Instead of going for the affiliate marketer of the year award, try to connect with your readers on a personal level.
Start channeling the matrix and think outside the box.
Write about things you love, new things you might have recently learned about, trending topics, news, weather patterns, whatever floats your boat.
The main idea is to settle on a topic and position yourself as the go-to blog to read interesting articles on this topic.
Develop a blog following by engaging with your readers.
Give away free ebooks on relevant topics as an incentive for readers subscribing to your blog.
There are so many ways to monetize your blogs.
And I'm not just talking about sponsored sidebar ads.
I mean sure, you make some money with Google AdSense, but you always one to include at least one monetizing link on your blog.
There are plenty of affiliate marketplaces that you can join that will allow you to make money in as many niches as you think of.
If you are blogging about your favorite brand of lawnmowers, Amazon would be a great place to look for that product recommend it on your blog.
Here are some things to consider when you decide to give making money with blogs a shot.
Making money with blogs is a learning process.
It will not occur in the blink of eye.
It will take time.
On the contrary to what you might have been told before: there is no magic button.
The more income you want to create, the more content you have to create.
Creating content is really not as hard as it seems.
If you decided to make money blogging, it's most likely because you enjoy writing.
If writing is not up your alley, unless you have bucks to shell out for copywriters, you might want to seek other ways to make money online.
I'm just being honest.
If you have no clue as to how to have your blog indexed and ranked by the major searches, you might want to start a search on SEO training.
I'll tell you what worked for me.
I was taught by an expert.
Not a self-made guru trying to make millions off of blogging newbies.
I was fortunate enough to find a platform in which it's creater, Dan Miller (a really great, down to earth man) reveals SEO strategies and techniques that the average joe don't have access to.
Remember, the guru bloggers don't want you to know anything of what Dan teaches.
Making money with blogs is not impossible.
Don't let them fill your head-up with hot air.
I hope this article has helped you come to your own conclusion when it comes to making money by blogging.
For related articles I wrote on this topic, click here!
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