Do you waste time, going back and tweaking your M.
network marketing blog posts over and over again because you always forget to include something? Are you often confused as to what your blog post should include to make it attractive to your readers and to the search engines alike? I have discovered a solution to these things, in the memory of one of my childhood dreams...
the cockpit of an airplane.
I have been an on again, off again student pilot for several years.
It is a dream I have had since high school.
I had started to take flying lessons in college, but I stopped flying when I met my husband and started a family.
I was so excited to pick it up again in 2007, but after finding out I was pregnant with my third baby, and my growing pregnant belly made the cockpit too crowded, I decided I would put it on the back burner again until my baby boy starts school.
One of the biggest lessons I have learned from flying is the importance of a preflight checklist.
Pilots go through a checklist every time they fly to ensure a successful and safe flight.
As I continue to blog and learn more about creating posts that are search engine optimized and contain valuable content for my readers, I find myself spending a lot of time, going back and updating my blog posts several times each, trying to include all that I have learned in my posts.
It got me thinking that I need a preflight checklist (or a pre-publish checklist-if you will), for my M.
It has been a simple thing to implement in my blogging routine, but I can not believe how much it has helped me! Here is my checklist: "Preflight" Checklist for Your Network Marketing M.
blog will help you save time and be more effective in your online M.
network marketing blog posts over and over again because you always forget to include something? Are you often confused as to what your blog post should include to make it attractive to your readers and to the search engines alike? I have discovered a solution to these things, in the memory of one of my childhood dreams...
the cockpit of an airplane.
I have been an on again, off again student pilot for several years.
It is a dream I have had since high school.
I had started to take flying lessons in college, but I stopped flying when I met my husband and started a family.
I was so excited to pick it up again in 2007, but after finding out I was pregnant with my third baby, and my growing pregnant belly made the cockpit too crowded, I decided I would put it on the back burner again until my baby boy starts school.
One of the biggest lessons I have learned from flying is the importance of a preflight checklist.
Pilots go through a checklist every time they fly to ensure a successful and safe flight.
As I continue to blog and learn more about creating posts that are search engine optimized and contain valuable content for my readers, I find myself spending a lot of time, going back and updating my blog posts several times each, trying to include all that I have learned in my posts.
It got me thinking that I need a preflight checklist (or a pre-publish checklist-if you will), for my M.
It has been a simple thing to implement in my blogging routine, but I can not believe how much it has helped me! Here is my checklist: "Preflight" Checklist for Your Network Marketing M.
- Write a content rich post, always keeping "what is in it for your readers" as your main focus.
(300+ words is my goal).- Intro paragraph (tell them what you are going to tell them)
- Include useful tips or information (Remember: Adding value is the #1 important key to effective blogging for your network marketing business.
) - Closing (remember to include a call to action)
- Pay attention to SEO search engine optimization) and HEO (human emotion optimization)
- SEO: Include your keywords into the following places: URL, title, first paragraph (or first sentence), sub-headlines, tags, photo alt-tags, hyper-linked anchor text, etc.
Shoot for a keyword density of about 5%. - HEO: Create curiosity and intrigue, piggy back on something in the news, and/or speak your readers' emotional needs, fears and selfish desires.
- SEO: Include your keywords into the following places: URL, title, first paragraph (or first sentence), sub-headlines, tags, photo alt-tags, hyper-linked anchor text, etc.
- Include a related photo to visually break up the text and make your post more attractive.
- Make sure it is easy to read with bullets or lists, and sub-headlines so your readers will be able to skim it quickly and get value from it.
- Have a call to action...
ask readers to share, comment, opt-in, etc. - Categorize the blog post (use keywords in category if possible).
- Add title, description, and keywords (about 5-7 keywords is good) into "All in One SEO" and into my theme.
- View a preview of the post to make sure everything is formatted correctly and read it out loud to catch grammar errors that did not show up in spell check.
- Publish the post and view it live.
(Copy the URL) - Share the post on your social media sites (I like to use ping.
blog will help you save time and be more effective in your online M.