I have heard it said that a blog post can be pretty lose when it comes to the rules of writing.
To that I say yes and no.
I do believe that a blog post should be as personable as you can make it; depending on your audience.
Even if you are strictly business, a little of you should always shine through.
You don't have to share your life story but I truly believe that all business and no play is a bore.
However, I don't believe that you should write your blog posts any way you want to.
I think that there should be a certain order to all things; and while you may not agree, if you have a business blog, a blog that you are using to market affiliate products, or a blog where you want to gain some decent traffic, then you need to make sure that the reader understands what you are saying.
Without order to your blog you risk not being taken serious.
Who wants to follow a person who misspells, writes sentences out of order, or talks excessively about a subject that has nothing to do with the focus of the blog.
This is why order is so important to all you write: Whether on paper on a cyber notepad.
There is nothing more worth the time spent reading then a well written piece of work.
Have you ever read a book and figured out the end before you read it? Or maybe you were able to figure out the sequences of events and so you grew bored and eventually put the book down, never to pick it up again.
This is I call a poorly written piece of work.
Why? It fails to get and keep your attention.
That is what will happen with your blog if you don't reel your audience in with the proper order.
Maybe you think that you are no good at keeping order to your blog content.
Perhaps you just don't have the time to take it that serious.
After all you need to get that report done for your subscribers and it takes up a lot of your time.
Maybe you just need some help.
With the help of a good writer, all you need to do is share your vision and allow them the space to get your blog content in order.
If you find yourself unable to order your content so that your blog flows well and keeps a focus, than may it is time to outsource it to someone who can help you with that.
To that I say yes and no.
I do believe that a blog post should be as personable as you can make it; depending on your audience.
Even if you are strictly business, a little of you should always shine through.
You don't have to share your life story but I truly believe that all business and no play is a bore.
However, I don't believe that you should write your blog posts any way you want to.
I think that there should be a certain order to all things; and while you may not agree, if you have a business blog, a blog that you are using to market affiliate products, or a blog where you want to gain some decent traffic, then you need to make sure that the reader understands what you are saying.
Without order to your blog you risk not being taken serious.
Who wants to follow a person who misspells, writes sentences out of order, or talks excessively about a subject that has nothing to do with the focus of the blog.
This is why order is so important to all you write: Whether on paper on a cyber notepad.
There is nothing more worth the time spent reading then a well written piece of work.
Have you ever read a book and figured out the end before you read it? Or maybe you were able to figure out the sequences of events and so you grew bored and eventually put the book down, never to pick it up again.
This is I call a poorly written piece of work.
Why? It fails to get and keep your attention.
That is what will happen with your blog if you don't reel your audience in with the proper order.
Maybe you think that you are no good at keeping order to your blog content.
Perhaps you just don't have the time to take it that serious.
After all you need to get that report done for your subscribers and it takes up a lot of your time.
Maybe you just need some help.
With the help of a good writer, all you need to do is share your vision and allow them the space to get your blog content in order.
If you find yourself unable to order your content so that your blog flows well and keeps a focus, than may it is time to outsource it to someone who can help you with that.