Ok, so you have a fresh new podcast, what's next? Some say that if you have good content in your podcast that it will promote itself, in most cases this is not true.
Here are just a few directories you may want to start with, when promoting your Podcasts.
Podcast Promotion - iTunes iTunes has become a major player in the podcasting business, so this is one you don't want to be part of.
The biggest requirement to belong to iTunes is you must have a iTunes account in order to submit a podcast.
To find the link; go to iTunes Store, navigating to the Podcasts directory, and clicking on the Submit a Podcast link.
Podcaster's host their own media files and RSS feeds on their own web servers or by contracting with a 3rd party for hosting provider.
The iTunes Store houses a searchable directory of podcasts, to which your podcast feed can be submitted.
It takes only a few days for your podcast to show up in the category you have chosen.
Podcast Promotion - Podcast Alley This is a free directory and all you need is a valid email address to join.
This is one of the largest and most popular podcast directories on the internet today.
It's a great place to start.
Podcast Promotion - iPodder Is another long time original podcasting directory that has been around a long time and has a very large well established directory.
It has a section on their website that has tutorials, how-to-articles and lots more information for anyone who wants to learn more about podcasting.
Podcast Promotion - Miro Guide Miro Guide directory is a very good site for video podcaster's.
Miro Guide is an open content directory with a global audience that is also available in any web browser.
Your show is showcased with a wide variety of mainstream professional networks like HBO, ABC, NBC, to public networks like PBS, NPR, LinkTV to completely independent video feeds.
To start you will need to sign up for your free account in order to submit your podcast.
Whether your podcast is either audio or video this is one place you want to seriously look into.
Podcast Promotion - BlackBerry BlackBerry has millions of users of their podcasts, so this is a great method to the word out about your podcast.
You need to create an account if you don't already have one, agree to the Content Provision Agreement, provide feed details, contact details and then submit.
BlackBerry will then email you to let you know if your submission has been approved or if there is a problem.
There are many more directories out there that you can submit your podcast to; however these are what you may want to start to focus on when promoting your podcast shows on podcast directories.
Hopefully after reading this, you will have a better sense of which directories you can use to promote your podcast.
With these directories, you'll be well on your way to building a success following in no time.
Here are just a few directories you may want to start with, when promoting your Podcasts.
Podcast Promotion - iTunes iTunes has become a major player in the podcasting business, so this is one you don't want to be part of.
The biggest requirement to belong to iTunes is you must have a iTunes account in order to submit a podcast.
To find the link; go to iTunes Store, navigating to the Podcasts directory, and clicking on the Submit a Podcast link.
Podcaster's host their own media files and RSS feeds on their own web servers or by contracting with a 3rd party for hosting provider.
The iTunes Store houses a searchable directory of podcasts, to which your podcast feed can be submitted.
It takes only a few days for your podcast to show up in the category you have chosen.
Podcast Promotion - Podcast Alley This is a free directory and all you need is a valid email address to join.
This is one of the largest and most popular podcast directories on the internet today.
It's a great place to start.
Podcast Promotion - iPodder Is another long time original podcasting directory that has been around a long time and has a very large well established directory.
It has a section on their website that has tutorials, how-to-articles and lots more information for anyone who wants to learn more about podcasting.
Podcast Promotion - Miro Guide Miro Guide directory is a very good site for video podcaster's.
Miro Guide is an open content directory with a global audience that is also available in any web browser.
Your show is showcased with a wide variety of mainstream professional networks like HBO, ABC, NBC, to public networks like PBS, NPR, LinkTV to completely independent video feeds.
To start you will need to sign up for your free account in order to submit your podcast.
Whether your podcast is either audio or video this is one place you want to seriously look into.
Podcast Promotion - BlackBerry BlackBerry has millions of users of their podcasts, so this is a great method to the word out about your podcast.
You need to create an account if you don't already have one, agree to the Content Provision Agreement, provide feed details, contact details and then submit.
BlackBerry will then email you to let you know if your submission has been approved or if there is a problem.
There are many more directories out there that you can submit your podcast to; however these are what you may want to start to focus on when promoting your podcast shows on podcast directories.
Hopefully after reading this, you will have a better sense of which directories you can use to promote your podcast.
With these directories, you'll be well on your way to building a success following in no time.