- 1). Create a small image containing your name and any other information that you would like your custom signature to display. If you are uncomfortable using image editing software such as Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop, use an online signature generator such as My Live Signature, Need a Sig or Free Forum Sigs. These free services allow you to create a custom signature image from the text of your choice.
- 2). Upload the signature to a Web server or image hosting service that allows direct linking to images such as Photobucket. To add the signature to your Blogger posts you need the full image URL. A valid image URL looks something like "http://www.imagehost.com/signature.jpg."
- 3). Log in to your account at Blogger.com. The home page displays the titles of your blogs.
- 4). Click the "Settings" link next to the title of the blog that you want to add a signature to.
- 5). Click the "Formatting" option near the top of the window.
- 6). Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the field next to the "Post Template" heading.
- 7). Type the following code in the field:
<img src="http://www.imagehost.com/signature.jpg"/>
Change the URL between the quotation marks so the code displays the full URL of your signature image. - 8). Click the "Save Settings" button. Blogger automatically adds the custom signature to the bottom of each post.