Business & Finance Blogging

The Blog As a Marketing Tool

The concept of the blog began in the late 90s.
In those days the blog was used solely for comment on particular Web page, which meant an opportunity to replicate these comments and opinions of visitors and readers of this website.
What began as a simple phrase or comment has become widespread views that create controversy on all topics you can imagine.
The blog has become so potential online advertising and SEO search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
) Rely heavily on the content of keywords that they have.
Here I mention five basic reasons why you should use the blog as a very powerful marketing tool on the Internet.
The blog is very simple.
The easiest way to get your little space on the Internet is through a blog.
You do not need any special ability to throw it to go...
anyone who has basic knowledge of how to use a computer or computer, you can do.
A blog is like having a virtual book to write your personal thoughts on this or that issue, your experiences on the use of a particular program, software or purchase of any product.
The Blog is an attractive force especially since in these lines, where you express your experiences and views, it begins to create an atmosphere of trust so that your readers and visitors begin to test the same products and programs that you have already used or purchased Thanks to the opinion that you have left in your blog about them.
So if you have a computer or computer with Internet access (who do not have it today?), You can start promoting anything through your Blog.
The Blog is authentic and original content.
In these times where online advertising saturates our lives, we seriously question the credibility of such promotions.
It is too much advertising we see today on the Internet that we do not know if they really the products, programs or methods that are offered are really what they seem.
However, in blogs, real people who show their faces, they share real life experiences or express their opinion on good or malfunction of any program or product without having to resort to paid advertising.
Read blogs about first-hand use of any product or service is like talking in person with someone who has already proven what I'm looking for...
determined and related experience in a very high percentage, my decision on the acquisition or rejection of that product or service.
Anyone want to buy something that has already been tried and tested by others.
The blog is completely free.
Creating a blog does not cost anything.
If you plan on riding your blog platform Blogger (free blogging platform from Google) is not recommended if you want a professional blog.
Blogger, I would say is to share information informally with friends and family and that has nothing to do with the installation of a professional Internet business.
If your idea, however, is to mount a fully professional internet business, my recommendation is to use the WordPress platform.
WordPress itself costs nothing, but we need to first buy a personal domain and hosting or hosting system (which is quite accessible) where you can upload unlimited information for the proper functioning of your professional business online.
To learn how to get your domain and how to get your hosting, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog...
to subscribe you can acquire free information about how to make this domain, hosting and set up a blog on WordPress.
The blog builds credibility and forging a bond of trust between you and your readers or visitors.
As you add items, experience gained by the purchase of a particular product or service and quality content to your blog, readers are with reference to your blog and look forward to your next article to satisfy their information needs and satisfy more themselves.
This is how you become an expert in the subject by the fact that more and more readers visit your blog and more bloggers link Your Blog.
If your blog comes to have a significant number of daily visits and many companies and professional organizations notice the growth of the base of readers and visitors you have, would most likely contact you to put advertising on my blog (something to you benefit financially) or make a direct affiliate of its products, which will generate a commission every time you sell a product or service referred to those companies and generated from your blog.
The Blog builds your market.
Unless you're a Hollywood star, it is likely that only your family read your articles.
The good news is that your family have many friends, then they will tell them how interesting is your Blog.
But do not worry, do not depend on the friends of your family or your family to increase the number of subscribers and readers of your blog.
See the following ways that expose you to be able to build your market through your blog: * Using your email.
Each time you send an email (whatever the content of that message) to your list of contacts and acquaintances, do not forget to leave your link in your website or your blog in the signature of this email.
I assure you, out of curiosity, many will click to see what's on your blog.
Do not spam, if you already have a long list of contacts with whom you write often, you can do but do not send mails to people who are not on your list because if you do, you will lose credibility and your business will be affected.
* By using a subscription form to your blog.
An easy way to get emails from your readers is to give them the option to subscribe to your blog.
Book exclusive information for your subscribers to persuade your readers to subscribe to your blog leaving your name and email.
Be responsible in the use of emails collected, noting that information will never send junk to fill their inboxes from spam.
Only information with value and useful content.
* Using feedback information.
Ask your subscribers if the information received has been helpful to them, they give you a message expressing his views on the exclusive information that has been sending them.
Better yet, ask them to do a little video leaving positive testimony expressing what has been useful to them such information.
So, you get more credibility and more confidence with your readers and they in turn will also have the opportunity to make themselves known through your Blog.
It's a win-win proposal for everyone.
* Subscribe to other blogs.
Part of other blogs that share similar themes to your promotions.
Blogs that are serious and they are professionals like yours for readers and consumers to have credibility and identify you as a professional and an expert on the subject.
* By using RSS.
The RSS is used to broadcast frequent updates to users who have subscribed to the source of content (or Blog).
The format allows you to distribute content without a browser, using software designed to read these RSS feeds.
Giving the option to subscribe to content updates to your blog via RSS, you will gain readers and subscribers more quickly and will identify you as a teacher in whatever promotions.
Give a boost to your business using your blog effectively.
Remember that this powerful tool is essential to Internet marketing.
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