Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Exploit of the Successful and Powerful!

From Husum in Sweden To Husum in Germany United Husum in distant lands An Ornskoldsvik locality In a nearby High coast Home to the expressive Sulpate paper mill A sufficient mill Of Moocho Domsjo AB's mind So artful for the beautiful rivers Of Husan and Gideälven Views kreis capital Birth Avenue of great Theodor Storm Land of my beautiful festival Raritäten der Musik A 1986 foundation In tides of a storm, the coast flows calm Home to a beauty, The Ostenfelder Bauernhaus My farm house of open-air museum See the views and view your sight Follow me through Husum in Sweden and Husum of Germany.
  From Hustonville in Kentucky To Hutsonville in Illinois Beautiful Village of Crawford County That's the Hutsonville only Illinois has Beautiful and Serene For God alone hath blessed Beauty transpired, only nature explained The marks of a city Hutsonville For Lincoln county alone A monument to William Logan Williams Energy and Liberality The home of our industrious Christian college That Influenced, Accepted, Implied, Attended To Augustus O.
Stanley Two Hutsons in a beauty of a ville Two experts full of land A tour through these will soothe your soul A brief interaction, your world to build See, believe; think, conceive Whole new worlds emerge From Hutsonville to Hustonville From Kentucky to Illinois.
  From Hutchinson in Kansas To Hutchinson in Minnesota A large county seat A Reno county city Give me a location Hutchinson, Kansas A Salt City, I like to call it Hutch What is it called? Still the Hutchinson of Kansas Ever host of Kansa State Fair Grand home of Kansas Cosmophere and Space Centre A formidable force since 1871 Beauty in a home to The Praire Dunes Country Club A host of might tournaments Vast land of Northeast Arkansas River A location so beautiful to resist quiz of your mind For McLeod`s County houses A grand land, o land of Hutchinson A belong of only Minnesota A flow through that Crow River A founding, 1855 alone has access See the beauty, See the lands.
  From Chilton in Texas To Chiyson Kingdom Chilton Texas, An unincorporation of breathtaking Falls county, area of successful football My golf champion Come see my star, Chilton of Texas Chiyson Kingdom of stardom, masterdom for the kings Province of excellence and sapience, ambience of affluence and opulence A land of the genius; a home of the great The choicest place for the best A land for the rich A land for the famous A land for the prosperous A land for the illustrious A land for the gracious A land for the legendary Where the successful and powerful live Where dreams and purpose relive That city with all you desire A beauty of integrity staged in sagacity Where identity is personality and all has Beautiful tranquility That is loaded with grace for immortality Here, your altar contact is crowned with success Texas of Chiyson.
Copyright © Anyaele Sam Chiyson
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