Learning disability means the difference that is noticed between the kids learning capacity and their real learning ability. This neurological condition is due to the kid's brain that finds it hard to understand specific signals and does not permit the kid from executing the information linked with those signals.
A learning disability may be genetic or an impaired brain development. Before birth it can be triggered by lots of factors including premature birth, infection, exposing the fetus to alcohol or drugs and lack of oxygen supply. After birth the causes may be due to physical blow to the head, improper food and exposure to pollution that can interfere with the normal brain development.
Several probable symptoms learning disability are:
€ Developmental issues like speaking walking or doing any basic activities
€ Confusion in understanding or getting mixed up in understanding the concepts of brushing teeth, getting dressed, unable to understand the colors, shapes and sizes or getting confused in remembering the concept of time or day.
€ Display excess energy that can affect the normal functions like cannot sit still, cannot play with children of their age, unable to socialize. Such hyperactive children do not have the ability to carry out any suggested task, but prone to throw temper tantrums.
€ Lack of attention. They do not remember any thing said just a few minutes ago.
€ There is a lot of diversity in their skill levels for example the child may find it hard to read, but may be very good in solving math problems.
This condition can be treated with the help of skilled doctors and the child can lead a normal life with rigorous training and guidance. Learning disability and ayurveda focuses on drugs that motivate the nervous system and these stimulant drugs in turn increase the release of norepinephine and dopamine in the brain and thus, the transmission power gets activated.
Learning disability and ayurveda recognizes the disturbances created by the three doshas and tries to put them right. The inability to focus is due to the blockage caused by disturbance in vata. The vata dosh means air and ether. The traits of vata are cold, light, subtle and rough. Due to this nature they are moveable and changeable. Therefore, vata becomes easily disturbed and thus aggravates the pitta and kapha doshas.
Vata is subcategorized into prana and vyana. Prana vata is liable to bring in all the sensory perceptions from the environment. The experience is relayed through the nervous system to the brain. The nervous system and pran vayu are linked intricately. So, there is a need of proper balance of prana vata for an accurate neurological function.
Vyana is the movement and circulation of pran vayu in our body and mind. Due to pollution the prana we breathe may be toxic and may cause damages to the nervous system. Thus, prana can hinder vyana thus aggravating the vata dosha and causing harm to the entire body. High level of vata in the brains can trigger emotional and behavioral issues.
Learning disability and ayurveda approaches the doshas with many treatments like change of lifestyle, medication and treatment to cleanse the probable toxins from the mind and body. It helps the pran flow to get decreased, grounded and stabilized. Ghee and oil therapies are carried out to remove the blockage. Nasya using medicated herbal oil are administered. Living in a balanced manner with positive approach to food, exercise and lifestyle can be helpful to live virtuously.
A learning disability may be genetic or an impaired brain development. Before birth it can be triggered by lots of factors including premature birth, infection, exposing the fetus to alcohol or drugs and lack of oxygen supply. After birth the causes may be due to physical blow to the head, improper food and exposure to pollution that can interfere with the normal brain development.
Several probable symptoms learning disability are:
€ Developmental issues like speaking walking or doing any basic activities
€ Confusion in understanding or getting mixed up in understanding the concepts of brushing teeth, getting dressed, unable to understand the colors, shapes and sizes or getting confused in remembering the concept of time or day.
€ Display excess energy that can affect the normal functions like cannot sit still, cannot play with children of their age, unable to socialize. Such hyperactive children do not have the ability to carry out any suggested task, but prone to throw temper tantrums.
€ Lack of attention. They do not remember any thing said just a few minutes ago.
€ There is a lot of diversity in their skill levels for example the child may find it hard to read, but may be very good in solving math problems.
This condition can be treated with the help of skilled doctors and the child can lead a normal life with rigorous training and guidance. Learning disability and ayurveda focuses on drugs that motivate the nervous system and these stimulant drugs in turn increase the release of norepinephine and dopamine in the brain and thus, the transmission power gets activated.
Learning disability and ayurveda recognizes the disturbances created by the three doshas and tries to put them right. The inability to focus is due to the blockage caused by disturbance in vata. The vata dosh means air and ether. The traits of vata are cold, light, subtle and rough. Due to this nature they are moveable and changeable. Therefore, vata becomes easily disturbed and thus aggravates the pitta and kapha doshas.
Vata is subcategorized into prana and vyana. Prana vata is liable to bring in all the sensory perceptions from the environment. The experience is relayed through the nervous system to the brain. The nervous system and pran vayu are linked intricately. So, there is a need of proper balance of prana vata for an accurate neurological function.
Vyana is the movement and circulation of pran vayu in our body and mind. Due to pollution the prana we breathe may be toxic and may cause damages to the nervous system. Thus, prana can hinder vyana thus aggravating the vata dosha and causing harm to the entire body. High level of vata in the brains can trigger emotional and behavioral issues.
Learning disability and ayurveda approaches the doshas with many treatments like change of lifestyle, medication and treatment to cleanse the probable toxins from the mind and body. It helps the pran flow to get decreased, grounded and stabilized. Ghee and oil therapies are carried out to remove the blockage. Nasya using medicated herbal oil are administered. Living in a balanced manner with positive approach to food, exercise and lifestyle can be helpful to live virtuously.