Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Back Pains and Morning Sickness - How to Solve Them Through Being Hydrated

Often back pain -- especially lower back pain and sciatica -- is the result of the discs in your spine getting dehydrated.
Just as with the bones in your knees or your elbows, the discs are separated by a space cushioned with fluid.
Interestingly (and painfully!), when dehydrated, these discs are tasked with supporting 75 percent of your upper body weight without the advantage of that extra cushioning.
This, in turn, places extra pressure on the intervertebral nerves.
And that results in muscle spasm.
It usually takes several days after you do eventually rehydrate this space for the pressure to be alleviated.
If you're not drinking enough water to begin with -- as many of us don't -- or you're losing fluid, as in frequent vomiting, you're a prime candidate for experiencing dehydration.
So the more experience that very unattractive symptom of morning sickness, your body is losing water that needs to be replaced.
Pregnant or not, dehydration may be a far more serious problem than most people think.
It very well could be the underlying cause of many of our aches, pains and other health problems from arthritis to heart problems.
If you discover, as part of your chronic morning sickness you are, indeed, dehydrated, don't feel alone.
Approximately, some 75 percent of Americans are dehydrated by some scientific accounts.
That's three-fourths of the population.
If that were the flu or even the common cold that all these people shared, the condition would be considered to exist in epidemic proportions.
In nearly 40 percent of the population, moreover, the mechanism by which we recognize actually being thirsty is so weak that it's often mistaken for hunger.
But not only that, dehydration slows your metabolic processes.
Consider this: even mild dehydration can slow your metabolism by three percent.
And guess what dehydration is considered by some experts to be the number one cause of fatigue in the afternoon.
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