Health & Medical Body building

Leg Exercises - Weights Induced

For some reason most people who workout forget about exercising their legs.
I am sure you have seen big buff guys with enormous chest and arms but puny legs.
Why would anyone want to do this to themselves? Some people say that legs will not be in portion with the rest of the body because legs do not grow as quickly or as much.
False! Do not believe people who say this as they probably have never put the time and effort into the below workouts.
These leg exercises, weights induced, will provide you with great, strong legs as long as you put an effort into them.
Use the following workouts.
First off remember to stretch before every workout.
Also, make sure that you warm up your legs with a ten minute run before working your legs out.
The first workout that will get your legs bigger is squats.
Find a squat machine and select a desired weight.
Place the bar on the back of your neck and have your hands at shoulder width apart.
Next slowly lower your back downwards until your legs form a 90 degree angle.
Now explode upwards, or as fast as you can go.
Repeat this process for 10 repetitions.
Complete at least 4 sets.
If you can not do 4 sets, do not worry because you will be able to work your way up to four sets.
If you feel like the reps are to easy, increase your weight.
The next workout that you need to perform is calf raises.
Find a calf machine or just select some dumbbells.
If you selected dumbbells, stand up with the weights on your sides.
Slowly lift your body upwards and hold the position with you on the tips of your toes for 5 seconds.
Next, slowly lower back downwards standing flat on the ground.
Give yourself a 1 second rest and repeat the process for about 10 repetitions.
Complete at least 4 sets.
Once again do not worry if you can not do 4 sets yet.
The last workout that you need to perform is the basic lung.
Grab some dumbbells and place them at your side.
Take a step forward with only one foot.
Your knee should be inches off the ground.
Explode back to the standing position you started off in.
Next, switch legs following the same exact procedure.
Get about 10 reps for each leg and complete about 4 sets total.
The same rule applies as with the above workouts regarding your ability to do 4 sets.
Never overwork your muscles as this can be very dangerous.
If you feel any tightness you should stop and try to stretch it out.
You know your body best and the limits it can take.
Try these workouts out and put some effort into them and you will see results.
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