Health & Medical Body building

How To Gain Weight Faster With Simple Workout Changes

If you've been hard at work doing an exercise program to help you learn how to gain weight but are not seeing as fast of results as you would like, it may be time to make a few simple changes to the program to get yourself back on track.
The worst thing that you can do if you're not seeing the results with gaining weight as quickly as you had hoped is continue on with the same program, hoping something will change.
The only reason something would change results-wise is if you do something to change program wise.
If you don't, you'll just continue on to get the same results you always have.
So this said, let's look at a very few simple workout changes that you can implement immediately that will quickly teach you how to gain weight.
*Change Your Grip The very first thing that you should be considering doing is changing your grip around.
This simple adjustment will stress the muscles in an entirely new manner and will be one of the easiest ways to gain weight.
For example, on your bench press, rather than using a standard grip, try a close grip instead.
Or when doing a bent over row, rather than using a normal grip, reverse the hands and do an underhand grip instead.
This will add more variety into your workout to gain weight and will help prevent any progress plateau from setting in.
*Change Your Stance Next, another quick change that will quickly help you learn how to gain weight is to change your stance around.
For example, when doing a squat, turn out the legs slightly so you're performing a sumo squat rather than a regular variety.
This will stress the inner and outer thighs to a larger degree, changing the nature of the movement.
Or, when doing lunges, step slightly further than you normally do and you'll get greater hamstring activation.
As you do this, you'll also find that your interest in your workout session increases as well, so that can help keep you more committed as you go about your goal to gain muscle mass.
*Change Your Exercise Order Finally, the last simple change to consider adding to your workout to help you gain weight quickly is to change your exercise order.
If you typically start with squats and then go into a deadlift, next time you're in the gym start with deadlifts and then do your squats.
Even though everything else is staying the same, this one simple change in exercise order could get your body responding faster and seeing greater strength gains.
It's all about shocking your system with something that it isn't used to - that is what's required to see optimal results.
So keep these simple yet highly effective workout tips in mind as you go about your reading for how to gain weight.
Use these tips and you won't be disappointed in the results that you see.
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