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Gender Equality in Different Countries Has Been Rated

World Economic Forum released the annual "Global Gender Gap Report" in Geneva.
Socio-economic indexes of 128 countries of the world (90% of the world population) were analyzed in this report.
The best equality between the genders was found in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland.
The gap between men and women's salaries became narrower and this achievement accounts for these countries' progress.
Sweden ranked first according to the results of investigation.
Free democratic United States were only 31st in rating.
Russia appeared to rank as 45th, what is actually a little bit higher as expected for a post-Soviet country.
Belarus became a "Gender leader" among the eastern Slavic countries - it took 23rd place.
According to the data from report, all the countries, which entered the top twenty, significantly stepped forward in solving the question of gender equality, as compared to the previous year.
The best progress in this direction was reported in Latvia (13th place) and Lithuania (14th place).
They increased their ranking by 6 and 7 positions respectively.
In particular, the women's salaries and work conditions were greatly improved in these countries, as it is noted in the report.
The access to education and health care has almost been evened in the world but there is still a rather long way to equality in politics and economy.
The authors of investigation indicated in summary that complete equality between men and women yet have not been achieved anywhere in the world.
Top ten of the leaders in gender equality looks as follows: 1.
Sweden 2.
Norway 3.
Finland 4.
Iceland 5.
New Zealand 6.
Philippines 7.
Germany 8.
Denmark 9.
Ireland 10.
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