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The Antidote to Americans" Fear, Anger and Helplessness

Across America, there are an awful lot of patriotic Americans who are beside themselves with fear for the future of the country, anger at an Obama administration agenda which doesn't resemble anything they have ever seen before or anything they heard in the 2008 election campaign, and a sense of helplessness about doing anything about it.
They are incredulous at the biased, ignorant laughingstock that the Pravda media has become.
The antidote for all this is truth, an abiding faith in truth, and a willingness to speak truth and act on it.
Stick with us on this-it's not some mystical call for faith in the unseen.
It's a call to wake up, and then refuse to be bullied by lies.
We'll take them up one at a time.
Fear for the future of the country.
We do not dismiss such fear as groundless, at least over a narrow window of time.
But the truth is that America's founding wasn't a random fortuitous event grounded in some new fad of thinking regarding the proper organization of government.
The founders themselves spoke of 'self-evident' truths, of the Creator, and of divine Providence.
America's founding principles represent another step of unfoldment of divine guidance to mankind that has been going on since Moses led the children of Israel out of bondage.
These principles-which we condense to 'individual freedom and responsibility under God'-are not a fad.
They do not change; they will never be outmoded or outgrown by a 'new way'.
They are grounded in truth itself.
This doesn't mean people will never stray from these principles, but it does mean the principles are permanent.
The straying therefore will always be temporary, regardless of how popular the straying may appear to be at any one time.
The bad news is that the process of defending and restoring the primacy of these principles can seem very painful-whether the pain is called depression, war, or suffering under a would-be authoritarian tyranny.
The good news is that we are hard-wired to persevere through the process; it's how we're created.
So while we can't just dismiss the fear, we are 100% confident that time will demonstrate a return to the primacy of America's founding principles.
Anger at the Obama administration.
We're amazed at the number of otherwise astute pundits who fail to grasp the context for the people's anger.
These pundits hoist the mantra of 'elections have consequences' and thereby encourage acceptance of Obama's agenda; they treat Obama's election margin as proof of a legitimate leftward shift in America; they accept poll results suggesting a new enthusiasm for socialism without ever questioning whether the people being polled have any idea whatsoever as to what socialism really is.
They put all of this together and conclude Americans wanted this.
What a ridiculous perversion of truth; it's like telling Bernie Madoff's investors 'you chose to invest in a fraudulent Ponzi scheme; you knew you would lose all your money, and therefore you wanted to lose all your money'.
There is no way that any voter in November 2008 could be said to have endorsed Obama's agenda as it now appears less than 100 days into his administration.
From a phony stimulus that no one in Congress was given time to read (this is transparency?); to a spending and deficit extravaganza beyond anyone's ability to grasp (this from a candidate who chided the Bush administration for running up deficits?); to the appointment of multiple tax cheats and others with a cloud of wrongdoing to Cabinet positions (this is ethics?); to the takeover of GM and ousting of its CEO; to the outrageous lies and dissembling associated with government-approved AIG bonuses that became the target of vindictive and unconstitutional legislating; to a world apology tour where America is blamed for everything wrong in the world; to a DHS report effectively labeling pro-life Christians and Iraq war veterans as likely terrorists (this is unifying?)...
the list goes on and on and on.
The truth is that over 40% of eligible voters didn't even vote in 2008; 46% of those who did vote did not vote for Obama, and we'd guess at least half of those who did vote for Obama had no idea who Obama really was and what his governing philosophy would be.
And as to socialism, the truth is that no one who truly understands and has lived under American freedom and under socialism embraces socialism.
They universally hate it.
The Pravda media is stoking anger on a daily basis as it persists with the lies about what the 2008 election 'settled'.
But truth is catching up with and will eventually overtake the lies.
Helplessness over What to Do.
Even Rush Limbaugh, as astute as anyone in observing and sensing the people's anger, routinely takes a 'there's nothing we can do about it' attitude based on the party affiliations of those in Congress.
"We don't have the votes to stop this", is his constant lament.
But it assumes party affiliation and party-line votes are inevitable and unchangeable.
This is wrong; nothing is inevitable and unchangeable-except truth.
The truth is that a majority of Democrats in Congress have been unsure from the beginning as to how to interpret the election results.
They aren't radical leftists.
The Pravda media combined with Pelosi's strong-arm tactics were initially enough to keep them in line on the stimulus bill and on some of the early budget voting.
But now they've seen the tea parties, and no amount of Pravda spin is going to convince them to disbelieve what they or members of their staff saw with their own eyes: the tea parties were large; they were populated by heart and soul Americans, including many Democrats; they were filled with passion that is not going away.
The next wave of tea parties-and make no mistake, there will be a next wave-will be larger.
If they use Brushfires' suggested rallying cry: "THROW OUT EVERY INCUMBENT"-you will soon see the Obama agenda stall and eventually stop altogether.
So Americans are not helpless; they can trust that truth will correct for the anger; they need not fear.
Truth is on the side of America's foundational belief in individual freedom and responsibility under God.
Truth is in the process of reversing the gigantic fraud that was perpetrated in 2008.
There may be setbacks along the way, and the reversal process is not yet a done deal.
Obama hasn't had to deal with popular rejection, and there are more than a few who fear there is a Stalinist tyrant side of him that will unleash the military or whatever civilian set of brownshirts he can form with ACORN or others to put down any dissent.
But it won't work.
There's no truth supporting his agenda.
There isn't an ability to rally an awakened people to lies, and we believe a majority of the American people are awake now.
No segment of the American people is more awake than the military-and the military will not put down a dissent movement that they themselves agree with.
The Pravda media will surely shriek and snarl as it resists its extinction, but the simple fact is that it doesn't control information anymore, and cannot suppress truth.
Sam Adams was right: brushfires of freedom in the minds of men and women are extremely powerful.
That's because truth is forever igniting them.
The cause of freedom will prevail.
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