Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Home Security Problems You Need to Solve

I remember a story that was told to me when I was employed by a big chemical company by a foreman that was over the machine shop.
On that day he was to give us a safety meeting.
The topic that he was to give was on gun safety, in and around the home.
His first story was about this man and his wife.
He taught his wife to shoot a hand gun for self defense around the home.
He had learned this in a short self protection class at the police academy.
Well as the story goes, he told his wife if he was not ay home at night,and she was by herself, and she heard a strange noise of some one trying to break in to shoot at the noise and to ask questions later well his wife became a pretty good shot thanks to her husband.
As time went by it was Thursday of the week and every Thursday night her husband went out with the boys to the local bowling alley to compete and have a few beers.
It was about 5:30pm in the evening her husband came home from work headed right to the laundry room took his dirty clothes off and headed to the shower with clean clothes in hand.
It was his night out with the boys.
His best friend was to pick him up about 6:30 pm.
He had to hurry and eat his dinner with his wife.
Well as you might know he had a good night out with the boys bowling and drinking a few beers.
They all had a little buzz on from the beer they had drink.
, but some had more than others.
The time had passed and it was about 12:30 and time to head home to their families.
They said their goodbyes, and went their separate ways.
The man"s friend didn"t have as many beers because he knew he was driving.
As his friend pulled up at the man"s house to drop him off he said his goodbye and left in a hurry so he would not be late also.
As the man walked up to his front door he reached in his pocket for his keys he did not have any.
He had in all his hurry and scurry when he came home from work that he didn"t pull his keys out of his dirty clothes to take with him.
Well with no keys he didn"t want to wake his wife because he was thirty minutes late.
There was no spare key hidden outside by the door.
He had decided to try the window close by to see if it was unlocked to get in.
His wife heard the noise, forgot about him coming in headed for the noise, with gun in hand with the lights off, and shot at the noise.
The moral of this story is he taught her well,or did he.
What could he have taught her differently or done differently to save his life that fatal night.
? *could he have hidden a spare key outside by the front door, where nobody knew but he and his wife?..
* could he have called his wife on the cell phone and said I'm home and forgot my keys come and let me in.
Did he even have a cell phone with him? * could he have remembered to take his keys out of his work clothes and bring them with him? *could his friend that had dropped him off, waited to see that he had gotten in safely.
? If he couldn't could he have taken him to a pay phone to call hid wife and tell her he had forgotten his keys.
? *could he have taught his wife when she heard a noise from someone trying to break in, to call 911 instead of using the gun so quickly.
? Did he have a security alarm in his house? *what were his other options, and can you come up with a few more? Try the door I've gone to houses and found them open, I'm still going to charge you.
This is said by a locksmith time and time again.
Keys stamped do not duplicate are duplicated all the time.
Ask about high security locks with keys that can't be replicated at the hardware store.
Divorce lock-outs are a challenge.
The soon to be ex- wife will calls and say s she's locked out..
Then the husband calls with same request, I refer him to a competitor.
Do you have a housekeeper who needs a key? Ask a locksmith to key your door so that your master key works on the dead bolt and the knob, but hers works just on the knob.
On the day she comes, lock only the knob,if you are secure about it.
If your key won,t turn try wd40in the lock.
Sometimes the pins get jammed up, and 25 to 40 percent of the time that solves the problem.
Try the door if again.
If youare locked out please call only one locksmith don't panic.
If more than one arrive and they are competitors.
They might all leave and you have no help.
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