Health & Medical Body building

What It Takes To Develop Six-Pack Abs

Do you find yourself saying that you are tired of that pot belly that's formed on your midsection? Well guess what, you're not alone.
Many wish they had their very own six packs to flaunt around with no shirt on, but many never take action.
If you ever dream of acquiring a six pack of your own one day, then it's up to you to take action.
Forming a six pack of your own takes many steps and can be sometimes difficult to maintain once gained, but is all determined by how much you really want it, and how hard you really work.
Here is a basic guideline to start on in hopes of one day reaching the goal of washboard abs.
See how many sit-ups you can do at one time before you can't possible do any more, and then write that number down.
Next see how many crunches you can do before failure, and once again write that down.
Remember sit-ups are with your feet on the ground while the crunches require your legs to be lifted and crossed.
Now lay flat on your stomach and perform the plank.
For those unfamiliar with it, basically lay flat, have your elbows parallel with your shoulders, and push up using only your forearms and toes.
Remember to keep your back straight during this exercise, and you are now doing the plank.
Once again, write how many seconds you could bare this activity, if not long, don't worry because it's difficult for beginners.
For the final exercise, get in the raised plank position yet a little higher and alternate touching your hips to the ground.
You will know if you're doing this activity correctly because you will feel a burning sensation in you abdominal region.
Once again, record your max amount on paper.
Now that you have all four activities recorded divide all by two.
Depending on the numbers of each, determine reasonable sets and proceed to do all exercises daily.
Weekly test your max, record the information, and figure the next weeks work.
If done routinely you will find your abs beginning to harden over time and shape up.
In no time you will be outside with your shirt off showing off your new abs.
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