Quite frankly, antibiotics don't work half as well as natural cures for bacterial vaginosis (BV) when it comes to finding a permanent solution that will keep your BV away for good.
It is true that antibiotics are the most effective when it comes to the immediate treatment of BV.
They do a good job at killing off the excess bacteria, but there's more to treating BV than just killing bacteria.
In the long run, antibiotics will make your condition worse.
On the other hand, natural cures for bacterial vaginosis are designed to restore the environment inside your vagina, back to what it was before you got the infection, back to its healthy natural state.
What Causes Bacterial Vaginosis? Normally, your vagina is very acidic.
It contains good, healthy bacteria that make the vagina acidic so that bad bacteria can't multiply.
Anything that makes your vagina less acidic, or kills off the good bacteria inside your vagina can cause the bad bacteria to overgrow, giving you BV.
This can be caused by douching, stress, smoking, taking the contraceptive pill and a diet high in fat and low in folate, vitamin A, and calcium.
How Do These Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis Work? Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis work by replacing the good bacteria in your vagina and restoring your vagina to its normal level of acidity.
There are lots of ways to do this.
One example of a BV home remedy is taking live bacteria in the form of a specialized yoghurt or capsules orally.
You can also apply this specialized yoghurt onto your vagina or insert capsules into your vagina that contain these good bacteria.
You can change your diet and take in nutrients that will boost your immune system to fight the overgrown bad bacteria AND help to restore the good bacteria in your vagina.
These good bacteria will sit inside your vagina and release natural chemicals that will kill off the bad bacteria.
You can also reduce stress and use a whole bunch of other techniques to bring your vagina back into its normal, healthy and natural state.
Can You Use Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis With Your Doctor's Prescription Drugs? Well the first step to treating your BV is to go and see your doctor.
Yes, this is necessary.
You need to get a diagnosis.
It is hard to diagnose BV without getting a lab test or getting someone with a bit of experience to take a look.
Usually doctors are instructed to only prescribe antibiotics for BV if you really need it, for example if you are pregnant or if the bacteria or at risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.
If your doctor does insist you take antibiotics, then do as they say and take them.
There is nothing wrong with taking the occasional dose of antibiotics if you really have to.
You will be happy to know however, that there is nothing wrong with using natural cures for bacterial vaginosis while you are taking antibiotics.
Yes, you can use both together, and studies have actually confirmed that there is some extra benefit in using antibiotics prior to using selected natural remedies for BV.
It is true that antibiotics are the most effective when it comes to the immediate treatment of BV.
They do a good job at killing off the excess bacteria, but there's more to treating BV than just killing bacteria.
In the long run, antibiotics will make your condition worse.
On the other hand, natural cures for bacterial vaginosis are designed to restore the environment inside your vagina, back to what it was before you got the infection, back to its healthy natural state.
What Causes Bacterial Vaginosis? Normally, your vagina is very acidic.
It contains good, healthy bacteria that make the vagina acidic so that bad bacteria can't multiply.
Anything that makes your vagina less acidic, or kills off the good bacteria inside your vagina can cause the bad bacteria to overgrow, giving you BV.
This can be caused by douching, stress, smoking, taking the contraceptive pill and a diet high in fat and low in folate, vitamin A, and calcium.
How Do These Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis Work? Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis work by replacing the good bacteria in your vagina and restoring your vagina to its normal level of acidity.
There are lots of ways to do this.
One example of a BV home remedy is taking live bacteria in the form of a specialized yoghurt or capsules orally.
You can also apply this specialized yoghurt onto your vagina or insert capsules into your vagina that contain these good bacteria.
You can change your diet and take in nutrients that will boost your immune system to fight the overgrown bad bacteria AND help to restore the good bacteria in your vagina.
These good bacteria will sit inside your vagina and release natural chemicals that will kill off the bad bacteria.
You can also reduce stress and use a whole bunch of other techniques to bring your vagina back into its normal, healthy and natural state.
Can You Use Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis With Your Doctor's Prescription Drugs? Well the first step to treating your BV is to go and see your doctor.
Yes, this is necessary.
You need to get a diagnosis.
It is hard to diagnose BV without getting a lab test or getting someone with a bit of experience to take a look.
Usually doctors are instructed to only prescribe antibiotics for BV if you really need it, for example if you are pregnant or if the bacteria or at risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.
If your doctor does insist you take antibiotics, then do as they say and take them.
There is nothing wrong with taking the occasional dose of antibiotics if you really have to.
You will be happy to know however, that there is nothing wrong with using natural cures for bacterial vaginosis while you are taking antibiotics.
Yes, you can use both together, and studies have actually confirmed that there is some extra benefit in using antibiotics prior to using selected natural remedies for BV.