A trip to the gynecologist for a yeast infection will often time end in a recommendation for Monistat cream.
This is an over the counter yeast infection treatment that women have been using for several years.
The question remains though is Monistat the best yeast infection treatment you can find? Yeast infections are a minor irritation to some and a big concern for others.
When caught early there are few complications from a yeast infection however if left unchecked the situation can become much more serious.
Leaky gut syndrome, digestive problems and even yeast in the lungs or other organs can occur.
Treatments As stated above the most commonly recommended product from a physician will likely be Monistat or a similar topical treatment.
Monistat is an anti-fungal developed by Janssen Pharmaceuticals and is a topical application for the skin or mucus membranes.
This drug can be absorbed into the intestinal tract from use in the mouth or vaginal area and react with other medications.
Many people prefer to go the all-natural route as opposed to using Monistat.
The internet and library are full of resources that outline many natural treatments.
Some of these cures will be simple and fairly benign while others are more complex and even dangerous.
Take for instance the all juice diet as an alternative to Monistat yeast treatment.
This natural cure requires you to only drink a specific juice for several days in an attempt to cleanse the system and "flush" the fungus from your system.
This is not one of the better treatments you can find for yeast infection.
Garlic tablets, boric acid suppositories and olive leaf extract are a few more of the borderline natural treatments you may have heard about.
They may not be severely dangerous but the idea of using an acid to combat a yeast infection is probably not the best on the block, and when it comes to olive leaf extract, it can actually be toxic to the liver.
Men, women and children all can and do suffer from yeast infections of one type or the other.
Babies and children can get thrush, which is a form of the infection and even some diaper rashes have been attributed to yeast.
With this in mind, it is important to find natural treatments that are safe to use, and get the job done.
The problem with most yeast treatments on the market including Monistat is they generally only treat the symptoms and not the root cause.
Think about it for a moment, how many times have you treated these infections only to have it return a short time later? Natural and over the counter cures for yeast infection up to and including Monistat rarely if ever take care of your yeast problems completely.
You need a program that will completely rid you of this annoying and potentially hazardous over growth yeast.
This is an over the counter yeast infection treatment that women have been using for several years.
The question remains though is Monistat the best yeast infection treatment you can find? Yeast infections are a minor irritation to some and a big concern for others.
When caught early there are few complications from a yeast infection however if left unchecked the situation can become much more serious.
Leaky gut syndrome, digestive problems and even yeast in the lungs or other organs can occur.
Treatments As stated above the most commonly recommended product from a physician will likely be Monistat or a similar topical treatment.
Monistat is an anti-fungal developed by Janssen Pharmaceuticals and is a topical application for the skin or mucus membranes.
This drug can be absorbed into the intestinal tract from use in the mouth or vaginal area and react with other medications.
Many people prefer to go the all-natural route as opposed to using Monistat.
The internet and library are full of resources that outline many natural treatments.
Some of these cures will be simple and fairly benign while others are more complex and even dangerous.
Take for instance the all juice diet as an alternative to Monistat yeast treatment.
This natural cure requires you to only drink a specific juice for several days in an attempt to cleanse the system and "flush" the fungus from your system.
This is not one of the better treatments you can find for yeast infection.
Garlic tablets, boric acid suppositories and olive leaf extract are a few more of the borderline natural treatments you may have heard about.
They may not be severely dangerous but the idea of using an acid to combat a yeast infection is probably not the best on the block, and when it comes to olive leaf extract, it can actually be toxic to the liver.
Men, women and children all can and do suffer from yeast infections of one type or the other.
Babies and children can get thrush, which is a form of the infection and even some diaper rashes have been attributed to yeast.
With this in mind, it is important to find natural treatments that are safe to use, and get the job done.
The problem with most yeast treatments on the market including Monistat is they generally only treat the symptoms and not the root cause.
Think about it for a moment, how many times have you treated these infections only to have it return a short time later? Natural and over the counter cures for yeast infection up to and including Monistat rarely if ever take care of your yeast problems completely.
You need a program that will completely rid you of this annoying and potentially hazardous over growth yeast.