Health & Medical Women's Health

Symptoms of Candida in the Mouth

Candida of the mouth is also known as oral thrush.
The fungus Candida Albicans causes oral Thrush A yeast infection that is present in infants mouths is called Thrush.
However, when the infection occurs with adults it is often called just caidiasis or morniliasis.
Oral Thrush can be triggered while taking antibiotics, birth control pills or any anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical.
Also, smokers, denture wearers (whose dentures are not fitted properly) and mothers who breastfeed are known to have a higher risk of getting Thrush.
Also, Thrush is more common with people who have a compromised immune system, sufferer Diabetes and abuse drug.
So, Aids patients, infants, elderly and other people with bad immune systems are in danger of getting oral Thrush.
One of the major symptoms of major of Candida or Thrush is a white creamy cuts that are slightly raised and located near the mouth.
Additionally, candidiasis of the mouth or Thrush will often result in the inside your mouth being dry, your tongue will crack, your gums will bleed and cracks will appear by the corners of your mouth The yeast infection discharge will have a color which can vary from white to being a cream like color Also, signs of an advancing problem happen when yellow spots appear inside the mouth.
This can cause your throat to burn and can indicate that an infection has spread, to your throat.
If this happens you will then have trouble swallowing and may develop a fever.
Please remember that if you ignore any yeast infection you may suffer serious problems.
For example, if left untreated, a yeast infection can weaken your immune system, which could lead to even more serious medical conditions.
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