Health & Medical Women's Health

Risk Of Heart Diseases During Menopause

When we reach the age of menopause we bother about problems like hot flashes and mood swings but we do not even bother about the other serious illnesses that can occur during menopause and these are heart diseases and strokes.
According to researches, during the age of natural menopause in women, which is around the age of 50, the risks of heart disease and strokes increase.
However, the experts also say that if the women know about the risk factors and take steps to control these, then the risks are lower and the women can lead healthy lives.
The main reason of increase in the risk of heart diseases is the decrease of estrogen level in the body of the women in their menopause.
The female hormone estrogen is said to protect the heat and therefore the significant drop in its level contributes to the risk of the cardiovascular diseases.
Thus, in reaching the perimenopause, you should start taking natural sources of estrogen in your food so that the estrogen level does not drop suddenly.
Another factor responsible for the risk of heart diseases in women is obesity.
It becomes tough for women to maintain a healthy weight when the body experiences changes in the hormone level which often leads to obesity.
Physical activity is therefore a must for you when you reach your menopause, since physical inactivity can cause high blood pressure and high cholesterol level which in turn can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
It is often found that plaque is built within the smallest blood vessels which are called micro vascular circulation and these might often lead to serious heart ailments and therefore often MRI are suggested to women for understanding whether they suffer from any heart ailment.
Hence whenever you experience chest discomfort or fatigue and shortness of breath, and jaw pain or discomfort in chest and abdomen then go to a physician immediately.
If you follow a healthy lifestyle then you can reduce the risk of heart ailments and strokes to a large extent.
Therefore, if you are a smoker then you should immediately quit smoking and even avoid being a passive smoker.
Your diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables and you should exercise at least three times a week.
Also for reducing the symptoms such as anger or depression try out meditations and yoga which would help you in staying calm and keep your blood pressure under control.
Also you should visit your family physician once a year so that you can have your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels checked.
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