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Reaction to Saddam"s Hanging Execution

Very recently, President of the United States of American, George W.
Bush, proclaimed that justice is done.
However, all the ways of bringing in justice shall be always accompanying by the principle of international law, as well as humanitarian legal instrument.
From the very outset, I do support the hanging execution of Saddam, due to the burden of concrete atrocity evidence.
And even some stated that it is not fair to Saddam, compared to Pol Pot (head of Cambodian killing field), Ponochet, Hitler, Czar, it is better than not to execute him.
I believe in the theory of "nothing is perfect", this implies that we have some justices is better than not at all.
I hereby do not stand for or against the capital punishment, since it is the issue of state sovereignty; however, a small clip of Saddam's hanging execution, broadcasted by CNN and BBC shall not be displayed to the world at all.
The word by the Iraq judge that Saddam is now put into hanging execution is enough!!! Human dignity shall be carried out even during or after death, and in this sense Saddam is still human being.
The USA, as the world's most prominent player of international law, shall recognize such the human dignity, adopted by the United Nations, and latter on ratified into its own law.
To me, the clip of Saddam's hanging execution is just "the personal revenged between President of the United States of America, George W.
Bush, and Saddam Hussein.
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