- 1). Access your network connections by clicking on "Start," "Control Panel," then "Network Connections." Right-click on your wired connection and open up the properties. Click the "Wireless Networks" tab and under Preferred Networks click "Add."
- 2). Wait for the new wireless network properties dialog box to open. When it opens, click on the "Association" tab and type the name of your wireless network you are creating.
- 3). Set the network authentication to "Open" and select the data encryption to be disabled. Check the box next to the words "This is a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network." Click "OK" on all open dialog windows to save the settings.
- 4). Right-click on the local area connection and open the "Properties" from the menu that appears. Click the "Advanced" tab. Click the box next to "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection." Uncheck the box next to "Allow other network users to control or disable the shared Internet connection." Click on "OK" and close all windows.
- 5). Tap on your iPhone's "Settings" and "Wi-Fi." Turn the switch to "On." It will detect the wireless network you just made.