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Jake Sully Costume Tips

Jake Sully, the lead character of the first ever movie to hit $2 billion in revenues worldwide, Avatar is surely going to have a major influence on Halloween.
Searches all over the internet for the outfit have gathered huge interests from the Avatar fans and movie buffs alike.
The price of this costume could range from medium to expensive depending on where they are sold.
It is good to do a price check which can be access online with the price display.
To help you minimize you spending on this costume, Jake Sully costume tips below could be helpful.
Jake Sully Costume doesn't require much touch from you since most of it involved your upper neck part.
A basic Jake Sully outfit:Are made up of a tan jacket and a mask.
There is also a deluxe version that includes a tan pants with tail attached.
However you can still look good with a basic outfit.
You can wear your own pants and it will be just fine.
Avoid wearing shorts because your pair of legs would be visible and it will look weird having a blue face and arms to pair with your legs.
Mask: Are included for both version.
However if you prefer your own look, then you can go for the make-up kit which is priced around $10-$13.
Paint your face blue.
Hair: In the movie Jake Sully spotted a long dreaded hair.
You can opt out for this and go with your own natural hair which you can style it anyway you want in the comfort of your own house.
Definitely with a little touch of creativity and imagination you could create your own version of this blue humanoid.
Have fun and Happy Halloween!
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