o improve your personal life you have to consider the whole pie. You have to review your liability, behaviors, actions, emotional responses, and overall standard of living. Once you review the details, you will find it easier to move ahead and make the necessary changes. To get started begin with a checklist.
How are your behaviors?
What are your behaviors? Do you engage in activities that lead toward negative consequences? Do you drink heavily? Do you drug? Do you smoke? Do you associate with the wrong crowd?
Once you write down your behaviors that pull down consider the details. If you engage in activities that lead toward negative consequences, likely you are not looking at the whole pie. Rather you may act before you speak or do something. What you need to do is to consider consequences before you speak or act. If you drink heavily, perhaps you have an alcohol problem. There is nothing wrong with admitting you have a problem. You will need to seek help. There is nothing wrong with seeking help. If you have a drug problem, you will need to apply the same rules mentioned when handling alcoholism. If you smoke, you want to consider ways to stop. You will need willpower and the goal to quite. If you associate with the wrong crowd, you will need to evaluate your situation. What do these people bring to your table? Do they give or take from you?
How do you handle problems?
Every day there is some kind of a problem that has to be thought out and decided what to do about the issue. What are some things that you can go to help? You should always think out the problem before you make a decision on the issue. You will make healthier decisions by looking at the entire picture. If the problem is too big for you to handle alone, ask for help. Talk with friends, family, or experts.
How about paying bills:
DO you pay bills on time? Paying bills is a major problem that leads to many hassles. If you pay your bills on time however, you can reduce some of these hassles. Failing to pay bills only builds stress. You will need to set a budget that works within your means to pay your bills on time. Maybe you can get a better paying job, so you make more money. Â
There might be some times that you are late but you should try to keep up as best as you can this will help take off some stress.
Do you visit your doctor regularly?
Keeping your doctor visits and exercising will help relieve stress. Visiting your doctor regularly will help you keep an eye on your health. Healthy people live a productive life.
How are your behaviors?
What are your behaviors? Do you engage in activities that lead toward negative consequences? Do you drink heavily? Do you drug? Do you smoke? Do you associate with the wrong crowd?
Once you write down your behaviors that pull down consider the details. If you engage in activities that lead toward negative consequences, likely you are not looking at the whole pie. Rather you may act before you speak or do something. What you need to do is to consider consequences before you speak or act. If you drink heavily, perhaps you have an alcohol problem. There is nothing wrong with admitting you have a problem. You will need to seek help. There is nothing wrong with seeking help. If you have a drug problem, you will need to apply the same rules mentioned when handling alcoholism. If you smoke, you want to consider ways to stop. You will need willpower and the goal to quite. If you associate with the wrong crowd, you will need to evaluate your situation. What do these people bring to your table? Do they give or take from you?
How do you handle problems?
Every day there is some kind of a problem that has to be thought out and decided what to do about the issue. What are some things that you can go to help? You should always think out the problem before you make a decision on the issue. You will make healthier decisions by looking at the entire picture. If the problem is too big for you to handle alone, ask for help. Talk with friends, family, or experts.
How about paying bills:
DO you pay bills on time? Paying bills is a major problem that leads to many hassles. If you pay your bills on time however, you can reduce some of these hassles. Failing to pay bills only builds stress. You will need to set a budget that works within your means to pay your bills on time. Maybe you can get a better paying job, so you make more money. Â
There might be some times that you are late but you should try to keep up as best as you can this will help take off some stress.
Do you visit your doctor regularly?
Keeping your doctor visits and exercising will help relieve stress. Visiting your doctor regularly will help you keep an eye on your health. Healthy people live a productive life.