When it comes to women and relationships, in the beginning, most men think they want to "have their cake, and eat it too".
No need to explain what I mean by this, because I'm sure you intuitively get what I'm talking about, and you may have experienced this with a man.
But... this is not the case with every single man that a woman meets.
Every once in awhile, a man will meet a woman and KNOW very quickly - without a doubt - that he wants to be with HER and only HER. I'm talking about the situation where a man knows he wants to be with ONE WOMAN because it FEELS RIGHT on a deep emotional level.
When this happens, THE MAN will usually be the one to push for a long-term commitment.
And you won't have to do anything but keep being the great partner that you are, and help him with the things he wants to do, to keep you both CLOSE and TOGETHER.
Sometimes though for some strange reason, the guys you DON'T WANT seem to always be PURSUING YOU for more.
Maybe this has happened to you before... but you don't exactly know how or why it happened... or more importantly, how to repeat it with a guy you REALLY want...
Strange how that works, isn't it?
Your goal is getting a guy that you want, to WANT to be more and more committed WITH YOU!
A woman that TRULY captures a man's heart will:
Make a man FEEL, through experience, that he's BETTER OFF being with YOU rather than being single, spending most of his time with his friends, or "sleeping around".
Show a man, on a physical AND emotional level, that he's BETTER OFF being with YOU rahter than ANY OTHER WOMAN HE COULD POSSIBLY MEET.
Probably not your favorite thing to hear, but most men are "designed" by nature to be able to sleep with a lot of women. Men have a "drive" that's part of their long time role in nature.
Of course, this is not the way most WOMEN were designed...
In order for you to make a man feel that he is better off being with YOU rather than living the "single life" and going around and sleeping with a lot of women... or focusing obsessively on his career. You need to remind him of the benefits that a deep, connected, loving relationship brings... and UNLOCK those hidden feelings inside of him.
Fortunately it's easy to do - ESPECIALLY when he already has feelings of ATTRACTION for you. You can turn those feelings of attraction into feelings of intimacy and passion.
So few women know how to help a man get in touch with this side of himself - the part of himself that all men secretly LONG to share - when YOU are the one that helps him to do it, he will automatically start experiencing a deep connection with you and want to keep it alive and GROWING.
This is not something you can do just by talking about it. The key is to actually get him to EXPERIENCE those feelings when he's around you.
The reality here is that a guy WILL NOT willfully commit to you unless you flip this "switch". And no amount of pleading, begging, withholding, etc. will work.
When you DO flip this switch and trigger these thoughts... HE will be the one asking YOU to commit... EVERY TIME.
If a relationship isn't growing, it's usually DYING... and perhaps the most important thing you need to know is to continue to strengthen the bond between you and your man,... keep that fire of intimacy burning FOREVER.
Every one of us dreams of one day experiencing that "storybook" romance with that special person we are meant to share our lives with...
We think about how wonderful it will feel to finally be with that person... look into their eyes... and KNOW that we've found the love and connection we've been searching for.
No need to explain what I mean by this, because I'm sure you intuitively get what I'm talking about, and you may have experienced this with a man.
But... this is not the case with every single man that a woman meets.
Every once in awhile, a man will meet a woman and KNOW very quickly - without a doubt - that he wants to be with HER and only HER. I'm talking about the situation where a man knows he wants to be with ONE WOMAN because it FEELS RIGHT on a deep emotional level.
When this happens, THE MAN will usually be the one to push for a long-term commitment.
And you won't have to do anything but keep being the great partner that you are, and help him with the things he wants to do, to keep you both CLOSE and TOGETHER.
Sometimes though for some strange reason, the guys you DON'T WANT seem to always be PURSUING YOU for more.
Maybe this has happened to you before... but you don't exactly know how or why it happened... or more importantly, how to repeat it with a guy you REALLY want...
Strange how that works, isn't it?
Your goal is getting a guy that you want, to WANT to be more and more committed WITH YOU!
A woman that TRULY captures a man's heart will:
Make a man FEEL, through experience, that he's BETTER OFF being with YOU rather than being single, spending most of his time with his friends, or "sleeping around".
Show a man, on a physical AND emotional level, that he's BETTER OFF being with YOU rahter than ANY OTHER WOMAN HE COULD POSSIBLY MEET.
Probably not your favorite thing to hear, but most men are "designed" by nature to be able to sleep with a lot of women. Men have a "drive" that's part of their long time role in nature.
Of course, this is not the way most WOMEN were designed...
In order for you to make a man feel that he is better off being with YOU rather than living the "single life" and going around and sleeping with a lot of women... or focusing obsessively on his career. You need to remind him of the benefits that a deep, connected, loving relationship brings... and UNLOCK those hidden feelings inside of him.
Fortunately it's easy to do - ESPECIALLY when he already has feelings of ATTRACTION for you. You can turn those feelings of attraction into feelings of intimacy and passion.
So few women know how to help a man get in touch with this side of himself - the part of himself that all men secretly LONG to share - when YOU are the one that helps him to do it, he will automatically start experiencing a deep connection with you and want to keep it alive and GROWING.
This is not something you can do just by talking about it. The key is to actually get him to EXPERIENCE those feelings when he's around you.
The reality here is that a guy WILL NOT willfully commit to you unless you flip this "switch". And no amount of pleading, begging, withholding, etc. will work.
When you DO flip this switch and trigger these thoughts... HE will be the one asking YOU to commit... EVERY TIME.
If a relationship isn't growing, it's usually DYING... and perhaps the most important thing you need to know is to continue to strengthen the bond between you and your man,... keep that fire of intimacy burning FOREVER.
Every one of us dreams of one day experiencing that "storybook" romance with that special person we are meant to share our lives with...
We think about how wonderful it will feel to finally be with that person... look into their eyes... and KNOW that we've found the love and connection we've been searching for.