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How Do I Show My Girlfriend I Love Her? - 5 Ways

Human relationships are one of the most complex types of human phenomena -as well as among the most important. Romantic relationships, in particular, have anchored many human needs since the dawn of history, including: the need to reproduce, the need to be physically intimate, the need for companionship, and the need to share responsibilities in providing for the family while maintaining a home. Whether your relationship is one of marriage, boyfriend/girlfriend, or just a casual dating relationship, most of the same dynamics apply.

Despite their importance and possibly because of it, human relationships are a significant challenge to maintain. There is the constant need to strike a balance between the attraction that the two people feel, their own needs in the relationship, and outside forces like work, friends, and extended family. Even the most well-intentioned couples can lose their way now and then.

If you have been dating your girlfriend for some weeks or months, you may be asking yourself, "How do I show my girlfriend I love her?" This question can usually arise for one of two reasons:

a. you find yourself in a fairly new relationship and have not yet said the big "I love you" to her - but want to badly

b. the two of you have been dating for some time, but you sense that your

girlfriend does not appreciate the way you really feel about her

In either case, yours is a problem that can be described as one of a "gap" between what you really feel for her and how well you are expressing your feelings to her.

Here are 5 ways to close that gap by showing your girlfriend you really love her:

1. Leave her a single flower somewhere that she least expects it:

Scientists cannot fully explain why, but women go absolutely ga ga over flowers. Could it be genetic? Influenced by our romantic movie culture? Who knows? All that matters is that it works. Rather than overdo it with an entire bouquet, just buy a single rose and place it somewhere special where you know she'll find it. It could be her car seat, her pillow, her locker at school or work . . . anywhere that she's sure to see it.

2. Get a postcard from an exotic place like Paris or Tahiti and send it to her:

Even if you haven't been to any exotic places, you can find postcards from there at the local convenience store, or try eBay. Or, ask a friend who is visiting an exotic place to send out a postcard on your behalf. In your message, tell your girlfriend that you can picture the two of you there together one day soon.

3. Learn "I love you" in another language:

Learn to beautifully and correctly pronounce "I love you" in another language. Choose a language she's always wanted to learn. Or, when in doubt, try Italian or French; these are perennial favorites among romantics.

4. Request her favorite song the next time you are at a restaurant that serenades the tables:

There's probably a restaurant in your town or in a nearby city that features wandering musicians who serenade the tables at night. Find it and make a reservation. Once there with your girlfriend, excuse yourself, saying you are going to use the restroom. Then, make your way to the musicians and request a special song, just for her. Be sure to tip generously!

5. Make her a compilation CD:

When money or time are a factor or you just want to get the "I love you" message across as soon as possible to your girlfriend, make her a CD or .mp3 collection of her favorite songs. Make sure to choose songs that means something to both of you. Play it the next time you go somewhere in the car together.

Sometimes, every relationship can use a little bit of "I love you." Find a creative way to show your girlfriend you love her. The effort is sure to pay off.
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