Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Can Water Cure Or Just Quince The Thirst?

Without water there would be no life on this earth.
Water has become an increasingly precious resource and finding ways to control and reduce consumption is an important priority in many parts of the world.
Global water has generated almost a trillion dollars in revenue.
The price of it will raise and become more costly as time goes on and the world population increases.
Besides of all other uses our body needs water to survive.
Whether you're exercising, spending time in the sun or are just moving around, you can easily become dehydrated if you don't take enough fluids.
Once this happens the body will slowly begin to shut down.
If dehydration continues the body will let you know in some ways and will give warning signs and they should not be ignored.
Some people think when they get a dry mouth it is time to drink some water.
A dry mouth is not a sign of dehydration and waiting to get thirsty is wrong.
Unintentional dehydration is often the cause of most pain and degenerative diseases in our body.
Will any water do? When it is a matter of bringing dehydration under control any type, even tap water, will do, and having a good filtering system is the better option.
One of the better water you can use is alkaline drinking water which is rich in minerals, purged of impurities, and ionized through electrolysis.
Alkaline water is an excellent choice for healthy hydration.
Not only does it taste great and refreshing, it is also highly drinkable.
Electrolysis is the process that separates into alkaline and acidic water.
These benefits been recognised for a variety of healing purposes and are in use in many hospitals throughout Japan.
Water is important and crucial to our overall health.
When the body doesn't receive the right amount many things are starting to happen including pain, head ache, migraine, feeling tired and listless, lacking of pep; any of them is often a sign of dehydration.
How much should we drink every day? Nobody knows for sure; different people have different views and different requirements on this.
Experts say we should drink seven to eight glasses every day; although studies have revealed that there is no set rule or such formula where "One" size fits all strategy applies.
Only one thing is certain: We need it every day.
Dehydration and its symptoms! One of a common symptom is heartburn after eating a big or spicy meal which indicates lack of fluid in your intestines.
If you are a heartburn sufferer drink water half an hour before the meal, this will cure heartburn quicker than any medication.
Not only heartburn, asthma, allergies and lupus are a sign of dehydration.
Chronic, unintentional dehydration is the cause of most pain and degenerative diseases and is a major problem in the western world through overeating and too many processed foods.
Having a heavy meal without enough liquid to liquefy and to break down the food can trigger many symptoms.
Toxic chemical waste builds up when you don't drink enough water to wash away the toxic waste out of your body.
People have all kinds of homeopathic cures unknowingly to them that water is the simplest and most positive answer.
There is one more missing link: Salt! As much as we need water we also need salt.
Our body needs it as well as our brain which is 85 percent water encased like in a salty lake.
When we being told not to have any salt because of high blood pressure, has the medical profession got this absolutely right? The other side of the coin tells us salt works on the brain cells and prevents Alzheimer's disease.
Is it just a coincidence that Alzheimer's has increased over the last few decades since low salt diets were recommended? Denying our body the right amount and the right type of salt can have serious consequences.
Don't use refined table salt because all the good elements been taken out, instead use sea- or rock-salt.
Drink more water, take more salt.
These are key benefits to better health.
Our bodies consist mostly of water, 75 percent optimally, the brain is 85 percent water and salt.
Whatever pain you may have, drink a few glasses of water first, the pain could be a sign of dehydration.
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