Health & Medical Body building

Ripped Abs Training Tips

There are so many different reasons why so many people fail in their quest to get ripped abs quick.
Lets face facts, if it were easy then we would all be walking around with the body of a Greek god and women would be falling at our feet! The secret is to stay focused and realistic, so here are a few tips to begin with.
1: Goal Setting You simply have to have a set of goals to work towards, and you need to be as specific as you can.
There is no point in simply just turning up at the gym every now and again in the hope that you will eventually just develop a lean muscular physique and strong ripped 6 pack abs.
Your goals need to be written down and they need to be revised on a regular basis as you progress through your training plan.
Without a set goal you will just wander around aimlessly before eventually just giving up in frustration.
2: Form & Technique Never ever sacrifice form and technique in order to lift more weight.
The whole point of your training is to stimulate and work the specific muscle you are training on.
We are working on developing ripped 6 pack abs, we are not powerlifters! Most powerlifters are huge and immensely strong but very rarely do they have lean ripped 6 pack abs.
Concentrate on great technique and breathing, making sure to squeeze the muscles and performing your routines in as slow and controlled a manner as you possibly can.
3: Nutrition I can't stress this point strongly enough.
Good nutrition is the key to any training programme but is even more essential when you are working towards lean ripped 6 pack abs.
Ripped abs can only appear once you have reduced your body fat percentage to a low enough level for them to become visible, so it is a good idea to have a well thought out diet plan.
A low fat, high fibre and protein rich diet is an absolute must.
4: Positive Thinking Now I know that we are working on our bodies here in our quest for ripped abs, but it would be foolish to neglect the relevance of a positive mindset.
You simply have to believe that you will succeed in your mission, if you don't then ripped 6 pack abs will never be a reality for you.
You have to be disciplined in your training and consistent in your approach.
There is simply no point in turning up once a week and expecting results, it won't happen! Always remember to try not to give yourself a hard time when things don't go your way.
Chances are that you will fall off the wagon every now and again, the secret is to not give yourself a hard time, just jump straight back on and you will get there.
Try to develop a positive mindset and believe in yourself and those lean ripped 6 pack abs can become your reality! Follow these common sense tips and you will Get Ripped Abs Quick
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