Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Boost Your Pitching Prowess With These Softball Pitching Tips

In order to become good at softball pitching, it takes time, patience, good attitude as well as adequate skills to hone your talent. At the same time, distractions affect the way you play softball very much so, you need to leave whatever thoughts you have that are not related to the game out of the field. So, if you want to be a good pitcher, here are some of the tips that can help you get ahead in the game.

1.Be sure to have a warm up session before you get on the field. You can either jog or stretch in order to pump up your body. A warm up of two to five minutes is sufficient enough for you. For instance, You can start with static stretches and hold each stretch for thirty to sixty seconds. Also, this would help you react quicker, mentally tougher and build stamina that would help you last long during games and tournaments.

2.And then, work towards having your primary pitch first and practice pitch-outs. Be sure to focus on specific targets and areas and pitch on both inside and outside the strike zone. Practice your game plan.

3.Ensure that you maintain an optimistic mind and remember to wear a jacket at the end of your warm up session.

4.You need to keep your arm properly aligned so, use two checkpoints to be sure.

5.And then, remember not to step your stride foot that is pointed towards home plate. Afterwards, be sure not to short-arm the ball.

6.Attempt to take a shorter stride so as to have a better and higher release point

7.Hold the ball in your glove a split second before your windup.

8.When pitching, focus on the batter and avoid putting your head in a swivel.

9.Be sure to take a step back no more than six inches so, that you would be able to keep yourself balanced.

10.Keep your pitches in the same motion so as to mislead the batter and ruin her timing.

11.If you want to increase your the speed of your pitch, swing your arm instead of moving it as this makes a centrifugal force in the body. Work towards achieving a quick, steady wrist snap, throwing the ball against a strong left leg.

12.When pitching, be sure to throw the ball low often and on the corners.

13.Refrain from allowing your opposing team to walk around the bases while in the middle of the game.

14.Apply your game face when pitching as this can affect your opposing batter mentally.

15.Refrain from giving the opposing team easy bases.

16.Keep calm both physically and mentally. Maintain control over one's self.

17.Maintain concentration. Imagine where the ball would go before you pitch it.
18.Be sure to throw the ball hard all the time. Avoid aiming it.

19.Keep your confidence high but do not be afraid to do something new.

20.Do not forget to have fun.

If you would be able to take note of these tips and apply them on your next practice sessions, you would be sure to improve your pitching skills enough to deliver more wins for your team.

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