Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Video: Arm Exercises With Weights While Sitting at Your Desk

Video Transcript

Hi, my name is Alyssa Nimedez and I am a fitness instructor here at Crunch in Burbank. Now I have a 9 to 5 job on top of my fitness career. And I know what it's like to be sitting at a desk for so long. So I'm gong to show you some quick exercises to do when you need 5 minutes break. So first lets start off with stretching. It's always good to stretch those arms out if you're sitting there with your arms like this all day. You know. Relax those shoulders, stretch it open, release, open up, grab that elbow, push as far as you can and release. Let's do the other side real quick. You know you can look to the left, dropping that shoulder down away from your chin. Open up, pulling those abs in and release. Now I like to keep an extra set of hand weights by my desk to get that little boost of workout. So you can have 2.5 weights or you can have 5 pound weights for when you do biceps. We're going to start off with the 2.5 weights just to get our muscles warmed up. I want you to engage those abs keeping the elbows in by your side. And you're going to lift and pulse. Up and up for 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Good now open up those shoulders and we're going to push up and right back down, engaging the upper back, the shoulders, and the biceps as well. Lifting up, 4 more, 3 gives you a little stretch, 2 gets those arms above your head, get that heart rate going, 1 more, exhaling out. Draw those weights down. Release, and pick up those 5 pound weights. Now scoot a little bit off your chair and away from your desk. Drop those hands by your side and lift it right up. Good. Try not to swing. All the way, full range of motion here. We're going to do two more and we're going to turn our hands like hammer fists. And 1 more. Now I want you to take those weights, hold it here, open up, squeezing your back, take it right in. Engaging here, and do 3 more. Last 2. And last 1. Now I want you to place that heavy weight down and take those arms above your head, we're just going to do 10 triceps. You know you could do one arm if you'd like, and you could switch those arms. We're just going to do both arms here, keeping those elbows in, pulling those abs in, exhaling out. We'll do 4 more. Last 3, 2, and 1. Go ahead and release those arms. Shake out those wrists. You'll repeat the first stretch, same thing that we did. And get your heart rate going. Give a little bit of endorphins to get you through your day and get you pumped up to work out at the end of your work day. I'm Alyssa Nimedez. Go ahead and follow me at stylemefit_ on Instagram, or my website at for more information. Thanks.
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