Nobody wants to be caught shortest amongst the group of people they are with.
Although being short is not a disease, but the stigma associated can be very embarrassing and even frustrating at times.
It's no wonder then thousands of men and women around the world are desperate enough to go for limb lengthening surgeries in order to make themselves taller.
But the actual fact is, you can achieve the same result WITHOUT resorting to surgeries.
That's right...
by doing some simple stretching exercises daily, you can actually increase in height in just a matter of weeks - without all the pain and danger of surgery.
Clinical studies have shown how a select few exercises can help increase the growth potential in young people.
But more excitingly, even adults of any age can in fact grow by a couple or more inches through exercising too! The secret to increasing your height through exercises lies in the potential for your spine to extend further in length naturally.
And since your spine accounts for about 40% of your total body height, this promises to bring about a decent increase in height in you.
Why do I say there is potential for your spine to lengthen further...
and naturally at that too? Picture this.
Your spine was developed generally straight when you were first born.
But as you learn to sit and stand upright, your spine takes the responsibility of bearing the weight of your head and your upper body.
This supporting role puts quite a burden on your spine, and causes it to compress.
what if you could decompress your spine then? Wouldn't it make your spine longer by a few, and effectively increase your height? These selected exercises stretch out your spine and allows more fluid flow in the cartilage discs which go in between your many vertebrae in the spinal column.
This causes your cartilage discs to grow in size and thicken, and while each disc can only grow by about 0.
1 inch, imagine how much the 20 over discs in your spine can contribute to your increase in height! The scientific proof that stretching exercises can increase your height is apparent.
With a good height increase program of exercises and healthy nutrition, it is not impossible for you to increase in height by at least 2 inches in just 4 weeks from today.
Although being short is not a disease, but the stigma associated can be very embarrassing and even frustrating at times.
It's no wonder then thousands of men and women around the world are desperate enough to go for limb lengthening surgeries in order to make themselves taller.
But the actual fact is, you can achieve the same result WITHOUT resorting to surgeries.
That's right...
by doing some simple stretching exercises daily, you can actually increase in height in just a matter of weeks - without all the pain and danger of surgery.
Clinical studies have shown how a select few exercises can help increase the growth potential in young people.
But more excitingly, even adults of any age can in fact grow by a couple or more inches through exercising too! The secret to increasing your height through exercises lies in the potential for your spine to extend further in length naturally.
And since your spine accounts for about 40% of your total body height, this promises to bring about a decent increase in height in you.
Why do I say there is potential for your spine to lengthen further...
and naturally at that too? Picture this.
Your spine was developed generally straight when you were first born.
But as you learn to sit and stand upright, your spine takes the responsibility of bearing the weight of your head and your upper body.
This supporting role puts quite a burden on your spine, and causes it to compress.
what if you could decompress your spine then? Wouldn't it make your spine longer by a few, and effectively increase your height? These selected exercises stretch out your spine and allows more fluid flow in the cartilage discs which go in between your many vertebrae in the spinal column.
This causes your cartilage discs to grow in size and thicken, and while each disc can only grow by about 0.
1 inch, imagine how much the 20 over discs in your spine can contribute to your increase in height! The scientific proof that stretching exercises can increase your height is apparent.
With a good height increase program of exercises and healthy nutrition, it is not impossible for you to increase in height by at least 2 inches in just 4 weeks from today.