Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Most Oral Problems That We Encounter

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is the absence of saliva in the mouth due to the sudden stop of the salivary glands to produce saliva. One of the most common reasons why many people experience having a dry mouth is because of stress. Saliva has a crucial role in the mouth. Aside from the fact that it helps control bacteria build-up, it also helps us avoid having tooth decay, and it helps us in chewing, and swallowing the food that we eat.

There are so many symptoms of having a dry mouth. We need to be careful because some of the symptoms may indicate a greater problem on the other parts of the body. The symptoms include having cracked lips, bad breath, rough tongue, the person becomes thirsty more often, burning sensation in the throat and inside the mouth, thick saliva, the presence of mouth sores, and the person will have difficulty in wearing their dental retainers or braces.

When it comes to the reasons or causes why a person may experience having a dry mouth, it may be because of the following reasons; certain damage on the nerve area, stress, and medical effects especially if the person is undergoing chemotherapy. Abuse of alcohol and drugs, and depression can also cause dry mouth. AIDS, abnormal production of thyroid hormones, Parkinson's disease, and Rheumatoid concerns are also some of the known causes.

The best way to fight this oral problem is to drink plenty of water and avoid drinking coffee and soda. We should also lessen the alcohol intake, avoid smoking, and make use of a toothbrush that has a tongue scraper. Always brush the teeth every after eating, Sugar-free candies and gums are better. Lastly, we need to breathe using the nose and not the mouth. If the symptoms persist, then we need to consult a bountiful dentist who can help us. Visit their dental office right now!


If we see an inflamed sore in the mouth area, we call them Stomatitis. They usually appear on the gums and cheeks. Also, if we talk about Stomatitis, we also mean some of their types such as canker sores, cold sores or fever blisters, and mouth irritation.

We can have them by accidentally biting the cheek or lip area. Other reasons include gum diseases, dental braces, being hypersensitive to medicine or some food, certain diseases, and even radiation. The sores can be extremely painful. They can also lasts up to 2 weeks.

In order for us, to ease the pain that we feel or the inflammation brought by the open sore, we need to avoid foods that are spicy and salty. We should also gargle with lukewarm water with salt, brush the teeth regularly, and if we cannot tolerate the pain then we can ask a bountiful dentist about their advice.
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