Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

The Ultimate Book in Wealthy Family Entitlement

One thing in the United States that citizens feel is of the utmost importance is the ideal that; All Men Are Created Equally.
This meaning that under the eyes of the law justice must be carried out equally.
Most of us know that it is not, and that those of wealth and privilege often feel above the law and use money and influence to keep it that way.
And too that point, I read an interesting book last weekend that I would indeed, like to recommend to you: "The Winner" By David Balddacci 1997.
This novel is about an offspring of a very wealthy family who stood to inherit 100s of millions of dollars, but the money was siphoned and lost by relatives, he was determined to get what he deserved and so he devised a scheme to do just that.
It involved scamming the lottery and his plan worked perfectly, until one day an award winning reporter studying how lottery winners won and then became broke in very short amount of time, and this was repeated over and over again for a decade or more.
Except for one year, were all the people who won, had increased their winnings and were living a life of leisure? The entire scheme becomes unraveled and it is one of the most intriguing novels you will read.
Perhaps you may have read David Baldacci's other New York Times Best Seller; "Absolute Power and Total Control" also a great book.
Interestingly enough, after reading this book, I understand the mindset of the main characters and I think it will also be a fun read for you as well, go get yourself a copy today!
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