Health & Medical Body building

Weight Training For Muscle Growth

Muscle Growth - HIT (High Intensity Training) As we go through our weight training process, we do our programs , using whatever weight training equipment is a part of our routine, most of us don't really understand , at least most who are beginning don't understand the other process happening as we push and pull the weight.
A process when understood , to me, is so very fascinating.
I'm not sure if all will understand this , but maybe it will intise one to seek comprehension .
I will try to explain the best way I understood.
The process of muscle growth is microscopic.
It is something that happens at the cellular level.
The human body muscle tissue takes up of half a mans body weight and because of this the amount of expansive matter in the muscular system would be billions.
Every human has billions of units of expansive growth matter in their muscles.
With this knowledge we will try to understand how and what it is that actually grows.
The cells in our muscles are called sarcomeres which have myosin within them , Myosin are strings of movement molecules which are connected to a thin protein element called actin by little cross bridges.
When myosin and actin interact they become salient to growth and when this happens under the cause of muscular system overload it will inturn cause the right amount of micro tears to the myosin and actin strings.
As the muscle is contracted , the strain and intensity of the reps during a set of exercises causes the contractile mechanisms to pull apart and tear.
Then the exposed myosin and actin strands become salient and fray, attracting other growth elements.
Once proper rest and good nutrition is instilled, all these units of growth potential and elements become re-woven together making a more thicker and stronger filament with new branches.
With this comes an increase of the myosin and actin, and in turn causes an expansion in the size of the sacromeres.
From the time we are born there is certain number of sacromeres in our body, so for muscle growth to occur they must get bigger.
As the strings filaments of myosin and actin move from a micro level to a macro level they produce what is called myofibril.
These are the threads that run through the muscles.
These myofibril bind together as groups into single sacromeres (muscle fibres).
These muscle fibres collect together and are shrouded by a sheath of tissue which give the muscle its shape , i.
biceps , hamstring , etc.
With this sort of complicated explanation we conclude that any growth of muscle from weight training must be induced by preparing then tearing the myosin and actin tissues and without that tearing muscle development will not occur.
Understanding this process we can see why a High Intensity Weight Training program is so very effective .
As one progress though a HIT program , the more advanced he gets the harder it gets to get the right amount of tearing.
So then he must begin applying a more advanced process to his program .
Techniques such as pre-exhaustion, reverse pre-exhaustion, breakdowns , forced reps, negative sets only, 1 minute reps, 1 1/4 repetitions and NTF (not to failure ) should be implemented on days of the program.
We keep the understanding that too little tearing of the myosin and actin and there will be no muscle growth , too much tearing and then injury becomes relevant and may leave you with smaller muscles.
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