Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Select Your Baby"s Gender in 4 Easy Steps

How many people have wondered in axious anticipation over the sex of their forthcoming child.
  How many have desired one particular sex, yet over and over again, the opposite (and no less beautiful or longed-for) arrives.
For some families, money, time support or a combination of these, will prevent them from trying again...
so how would you feel if you were able to 'choose' the sex of your next child?  Here are some factors to take into consideration: The sex chromosomes form one of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes in each cell.
The X chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes in humans (the other is the Y chromosome).
The sex chromosomes form one of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes in each cell.
Each person normally has one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell.
Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome Therefore, the woman does not determine the sex of her child, the man does..
Every woman has eggs that contain X chromosomes.
If the sperm that fertilizes one of these eggs contains another X chromosome, the result will be a baby girl.
However, if the sperm that fertilizes the egg contains a Y chromosome, the woman will give birth to a baby boy.
PH levels
Women's bodies are either more acid or more alkaline, and these levels can affect the chances of whether they have a boy or a girl.
A woman whos PH level is predisposed to be highly acidic, is more likely to have a girl.
As extreme acidity kills off high numbers of the male 'Y' Chromosome sperm, leaving an excess of the female 'X' chromosome sperm.
Conversely, a woman who is generally more alkaline, is much more likely to have a boy, as high alkaline levels are harmful to female sperm, but harmless to male sperm.
Timing is critical and their is a very short window at the time of ovulation to conceive your child.
  Use one of the many tools available or ask your doctor about 'how to know' when you are ovulating.
  It is normally around the 11th-15th day of your cyle, and can be calculated simply and accurately every month.
If you have intercourse as close to ovulation as possible the male chromosome has a better chance of fertilizing the egg.
  They die off very quickly, and therefore leave the female chromosome to fertilize if intercourse is further on into the ovulation period.
The foods we eat, can enhance the likelihood of which sex baby we have.
  Some simple adjustments can strengthen your chances of a particular sex, and the changes are quite simple.
  For example, you can increase diary products for one sex, and red meat for another.
  Apparently if your partner has a cup of coffee before intercourse, it speeds up the movement of the 'Y' chromosome, and reach the egg faster.
The position during intercourse, is also said to determine the baby's gender.
  The 'Shettles Method' states 'Y' chromosomes move faster than 'X' chromosomes and so, the way to conceive a boy is to make sure the 'Y' chromosome reaches the egg first.
Therefore deeper penetration will ensure the chromosomes are deposited as close to the cervix as possible, so the more aggressive 'Y' chromosomes have a greater chance of fertilizing the egg.
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