The most important component of muscle building is the diet.
About 80% of importance in muscle building goes to the diet and the remaining 20% for the exercise and recovery.
To build muscles fast, you need to get this diet combination right.
To build good muscles, you need the right combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fat.
Some of the top fast muscle building foods are as follows: oEggs are rich in protein and fat.
Egg whites are one of the best foods you can have for muscle building.
oDairy Products like milk, cottage cheese are rich in proteins and calcium.
Organic dairy products are preferable.
oFish is an excellent source of proteins and vitamins necessary for muscle building.
oGood fats like fats from olive oil, nuts, almond, are needed to help the muscle recovery phase.
oFruits and vegetables like potatoes, beans supply you with the best form of carbohydrates and protein that are essential for muscle building.
The above muscle building foods will not amount to anything if you neglect the nutrient timing.
It is very important to know when to have and which food to have for building muscles fast.
In fact, getting this wrong can make you accumulate fat instead of building muscles.
For example, immediately after an intense workout, the muscle glycogen stored in the muscles would have got depleted.
Insulin is a hormone which has the property of driving the glucose into muscle glycogen which can get stored in the muscles.
Hence, after a workout, if you have a fruit shake (carbohydrate with a high Glycemic Index) along with proteins; it will trigger an instant insulin response which can instantly lead to the broken down glucose being stored as muscle glycogen.
Hormones like testosterone, cortisol, glucagon, insulin etc.
play a vital role in the body metabolism.
It is important to understand how they function and plan your diets and muscle recovery in such a way that you have these hormones responses working to your advantage.
In this way, you will be able to build good muscles very fast.
About 80% of importance in muscle building goes to the diet and the remaining 20% for the exercise and recovery.
To build muscles fast, you need to get this diet combination right.
To build good muscles, you need the right combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fat.
Some of the top fast muscle building foods are as follows: oEggs are rich in protein and fat.
Egg whites are one of the best foods you can have for muscle building.
oDairy Products like milk, cottage cheese are rich in proteins and calcium.
Organic dairy products are preferable.
oFish is an excellent source of proteins and vitamins necessary for muscle building.
oGood fats like fats from olive oil, nuts, almond, are needed to help the muscle recovery phase.
oFruits and vegetables like potatoes, beans supply you with the best form of carbohydrates and protein that are essential for muscle building.
The above muscle building foods will not amount to anything if you neglect the nutrient timing.
It is very important to know when to have and which food to have for building muscles fast.
In fact, getting this wrong can make you accumulate fat instead of building muscles.
For example, immediately after an intense workout, the muscle glycogen stored in the muscles would have got depleted.
Insulin is a hormone which has the property of driving the glucose into muscle glycogen which can get stored in the muscles.
Hence, after a workout, if you have a fruit shake (carbohydrate with a high Glycemic Index) along with proteins; it will trigger an instant insulin response which can instantly lead to the broken down glucose being stored as muscle glycogen.
Hormones like testosterone, cortisol, glucagon, insulin etc.
play a vital role in the body metabolism.
It is important to understand how they function and plan your diets and muscle recovery in such a way that you have these hormones responses working to your advantage.
In this way, you will be able to build good muscles very fast.