The world of multilevel marketing (MLM) is a big business that can make you money.
They recruit heavily and proceed to tell you that if you apply yourself you can make loads of money.
Let's explore the top ten lies that are told to get you interested in investing your time and money in the MLM industry.
MLM is a better prospect than virtually any other standard business for making a lot of money.
The truth is that just about everyone who puts money into the MLM industry, loses their money.
A small percentage, less than 1% of distributors make a profit.
For example if you have 500 people signed up under you, to enable you to make money, these 500 people will have to have a half million under them in order for anyone to make money.
Many people join, work like a demon to make some money, get discouraged because enough money is not being made, so they quit.
MLM is the most popular and the newest way to bring products to the buyers market.
Unless you are living in the past, the idea of personal retailing to family and friends does not work.
Putting people in the awkward position of feeling like they have to buy from you does not make a good marketing clientele.
The MLM Industry will put shopping malls, retailers, and catalogue shopping out of business.
Less than 1% of retail sales are through the MLM industry.
Most of the sales are from new recruits buying their admission to the MLM business.
With MLM you will live the life you have only dreamed of living.
With the money you make you can live in the lap of luxury.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
MLM has been compared to being a spiritual organization.
Any business that promises wealth because they are a Christian based business is one to be leery of.
This is a totally unacceptable practice when it comes to the Christian religion.
The help and support promised are not readily available if you do not make the sales they expect you to make.
How Christian is that? It is easy to make money with MLM.
Family and friends will join if they truly want to see you succeed.
Once again this puts pressure on people within your family or your friends to buy from you and join to help in your success.
This is not the position you want to put people in.
Not only is it bad for business, but it can ruin a friendship.
You can hold a full time job and do MLM in the evenings or weekends and still generate a great income.
If you plan on making money doing this it will require a large amount of your time.
It is not easily put on a back burner.
Every person is a prospect and every moment is a time to sale the MLM industry to potential enrollees.
MLM is a business that will afford you support and unlike other enterprises of this sort will allow you to succeed.
The predictions that all other businesses of this sort are doomed to failure is deceptive.
The "loser" label that is cast upon people for working for others is not only bad business but totally wrong.
MLM is the wave of the future for people wanting to own their own business.
When you join the MLM industry, you do not really work for yourself.
You will sign a contract with MLM and it can be terminated if they should choose to do so.
You can only carry their products and the terms they set down must be followed to the letter.
MLM sells products, thus it is not a pyramid scheme.
Just because a company sells products does not mean it is not a pyramid scheme.
The FTC sets the rules for businesses, as well as does the state attorney generals office.
A lot of MLM businesses are in violation of these rules and continue to do business only because they have not had legal action taken against them.
One of these rules says that 70% of their sales must be to non- distributors.
The MLM industry says only 18% of their sales are to non-distributors.
This may well be the business for you.
It does generate income and has been in business for a while.
As with any business endeavor you consider, it is best to go in with your eyes wide open.
They recruit heavily and proceed to tell you that if you apply yourself you can make loads of money.
Let's explore the top ten lies that are told to get you interested in investing your time and money in the MLM industry.
MLM is a better prospect than virtually any other standard business for making a lot of money.
The truth is that just about everyone who puts money into the MLM industry, loses their money.
A small percentage, less than 1% of distributors make a profit.
For example if you have 500 people signed up under you, to enable you to make money, these 500 people will have to have a half million under them in order for anyone to make money.
Many people join, work like a demon to make some money, get discouraged because enough money is not being made, so they quit.
MLM is the most popular and the newest way to bring products to the buyers market.
Unless you are living in the past, the idea of personal retailing to family and friends does not work.
Putting people in the awkward position of feeling like they have to buy from you does not make a good marketing clientele.
The MLM Industry will put shopping malls, retailers, and catalogue shopping out of business.
Less than 1% of retail sales are through the MLM industry.
Most of the sales are from new recruits buying their admission to the MLM business.
With MLM you will live the life you have only dreamed of living.
With the money you make you can live in the lap of luxury.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
MLM has been compared to being a spiritual organization.
Any business that promises wealth because they are a Christian based business is one to be leery of.
This is a totally unacceptable practice when it comes to the Christian religion.
The help and support promised are not readily available if you do not make the sales they expect you to make.
How Christian is that? It is easy to make money with MLM.
Family and friends will join if they truly want to see you succeed.
Once again this puts pressure on people within your family or your friends to buy from you and join to help in your success.
This is not the position you want to put people in.
Not only is it bad for business, but it can ruin a friendship.
You can hold a full time job and do MLM in the evenings or weekends and still generate a great income.
If you plan on making money doing this it will require a large amount of your time.
It is not easily put on a back burner.
Every person is a prospect and every moment is a time to sale the MLM industry to potential enrollees.
MLM is a business that will afford you support and unlike other enterprises of this sort will allow you to succeed.
The predictions that all other businesses of this sort are doomed to failure is deceptive.
The "loser" label that is cast upon people for working for others is not only bad business but totally wrong.
MLM is the wave of the future for people wanting to own their own business.
When you join the MLM industry, you do not really work for yourself.
You will sign a contract with MLM and it can be terminated if they should choose to do so.
You can only carry their products and the terms they set down must be followed to the letter.
MLM sells products, thus it is not a pyramid scheme.
Just because a company sells products does not mean it is not a pyramid scheme.
The FTC sets the rules for businesses, as well as does the state attorney generals office.
A lot of MLM businesses are in violation of these rules and continue to do business only because they have not had legal action taken against them.
One of these rules says that 70% of their sales must be to non- distributors.
The MLM industry says only 18% of their sales are to non-distributors.
This may well be the business for you.
It does generate income and has been in business for a while.
As with any business endeavor you consider, it is best to go in with your eyes wide open.