It was Sunday morning July 4th, about 11 am.
I had picked up my wife and son from a place of worship to take her to her place of employment.
Driving through Wasilla I was very surprised to see the town streets blocked to allow for the Independence Day parade happening on a Sunday morning.
Very surprised indeed.
Not surprised that Wasilla, or any other community in America would host an Independence Day parade, but that Wasilla would do it on a Sunday morning knowing full well that a large percentage of its residence would be of both habit and conviction attending worship services.
As I drove that morning I asked myself, how could this be? Wasilla Public Officials, Wasilla Parade Officials: How could you not have realized that a great portion of your residents could not attend this parade, and thus honor their nation, in that it was held on a Sunday morning, because Sunday has been held as a chief day of worship since this nation's beginning? It is not for myself in that I have been instructed from the commandments of God that the Sabbath is the day chiefly consecrated by God as the day of both rest and worship.
None the less, it is common knowledge that the chief tradition of most people of faith is to worship on Sunday.
I would suggest to you, and to all, that the reasoning for such an action is that you do not regard either the faith of God, nor the people's right to such a faith.
You proved by your actions that you are very willing to exclude them from this civic event, for you know full well that both by tradition and conviction people of faith attend religious services on Sunday mornings.
America, Wasilla Officials, Parade Officials: Do you think that the very founders of this nation, who first signed both the Declaration Of Independence, and the National Constitution were irreligious men? I tell you they were not, but that the greater portion of them were devote Christians, and that it was because of their faith that they had both wisdom and resolve to bring forth such a society as America has proven itself to be.
It was their intention to bring forth a nation ruled by both the gospel, and law of the Everlasting God.
In their hearts Jesus was meant to be enthroned as king in this land.
Therefore for you to exclude the people of faith in your parade is to say that you believe that America is better served by a humanistic form of thought, where God and His law are excluded, and the wisdom of men rules the day.
For you openly insulted the people of faith in Wasilla by excluding them; by hosting your parade at a time that is impossible for the greatest portion of them to attend.
It is obvious that George Washington, who is revered as the father of America could never have agreed with your actions, and the obvious abiding attitude you display.
In his farewell address he said, "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,Religion and Morality are indispensable supports...
and lets us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion..
reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.
" America, Wasilla: I warn you.
Do not think that humanistic (man centered) thought and ideals can maintain this nation, its prosperity, or its freedoms.
For Humanistic thought is always man centered, which is always self centered, which attitude and practice always leads downward to immorality, which always leads to loss of honor, health, prosperity, freedom, and eventually life itself.
People Of Faith: This is possible in America because "our salt is not salty".
In other words, it is recognized by unbelievers that by enlarge that those known as Christians are not true to the gospel, nor God's commandments.
Therefore the unbelievers are more and more bold to discount any and everything associated with the name of God in order to trod them under their feet.
This is according to the wisdom that Jesus offered.
(Matthew 5:13 KJV) Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under the foot of men.
Let us not play the fool.
No people will prosper outside of the fear and the knowledge of God.
A Watchman, Greg DeHart
I had picked up my wife and son from a place of worship to take her to her place of employment.
Driving through Wasilla I was very surprised to see the town streets blocked to allow for the Independence Day parade happening on a Sunday morning.
Very surprised indeed.
Not surprised that Wasilla, or any other community in America would host an Independence Day parade, but that Wasilla would do it on a Sunday morning knowing full well that a large percentage of its residence would be of both habit and conviction attending worship services.
As I drove that morning I asked myself, how could this be? Wasilla Public Officials, Wasilla Parade Officials: How could you not have realized that a great portion of your residents could not attend this parade, and thus honor their nation, in that it was held on a Sunday morning, because Sunday has been held as a chief day of worship since this nation's beginning? It is not for myself in that I have been instructed from the commandments of God that the Sabbath is the day chiefly consecrated by God as the day of both rest and worship.
None the less, it is common knowledge that the chief tradition of most people of faith is to worship on Sunday.
I would suggest to you, and to all, that the reasoning for such an action is that you do not regard either the faith of God, nor the people's right to such a faith.
You proved by your actions that you are very willing to exclude them from this civic event, for you know full well that both by tradition and conviction people of faith attend religious services on Sunday mornings.
America, Wasilla Officials, Parade Officials: Do you think that the very founders of this nation, who first signed both the Declaration Of Independence, and the National Constitution were irreligious men? I tell you they were not, but that the greater portion of them were devote Christians, and that it was because of their faith that they had both wisdom and resolve to bring forth such a society as America has proven itself to be.
It was their intention to bring forth a nation ruled by both the gospel, and law of the Everlasting God.
In their hearts Jesus was meant to be enthroned as king in this land.
Therefore for you to exclude the people of faith in your parade is to say that you believe that America is better served by a humanistic form of thought, where God and His law are excluded, and the wisdom of men rules the day.
For you openly insulted the people of faith in Wasilla by excluding them; by hosting your parade at a time that is impossible for the greatest portion of them to attend.
It is obvious that George Washington, who is revered as the father of America could never have agreed with your actions, and the obvious abiding attitude you display.
In his farewell address he said, "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,Religion and Morality are indispensable supports...
and lets us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion..
reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.
" America, Wasilla: I warn you.
Do not think that humanistic (man centered) thought and ideals can maintain this nation, its prosperity, or its freedoms.
For Humanistic thought is always man centered, which is always self centered, which attitude and practice always leads downward to immorality, which always leads to loss of honor, health, prosperity, freedom, and eventually life itself.
People Of Faith: This is possible in America because "our salt is not salty".
In other words, it is recognized by unbelievers that by enlarge that those known as Christians are not true to the gospel, nor God's commandments.
Therefore the unbelievers are more and more bold to discount any and everything associated with the name of God in order to trod them under their feet.
This is according to the wisdom that Jesus offered.
(Matthew 5:13 KJV) Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under the foot of men.
Let us not play the fool.
No people will prosper outside of the fear and the knowledge of God.
A Watchman, Greg DeHart