- 1). Fill the freshwater holding tank with a hose connected to a city water source until it is about halfway full, utilizing the gravity water fill on the side of the RV.
- 2). Pour 1/4 cup of bleach for every 15 gallons of your freshwater tank's total capacity into a gallon jug. Fill the gallon jug the rest of the way with water to create a water and bleach mixture.
- 3). Pour the mixture of water and bleach into the gravity water fill for the freshwater holding tank located on the side of the camper. Use a funnel to pour in the mixture, if necessary.
- 4). Fill the tank the rest of the way with freshwater from a city water hose using the gravity water fill on the side of the camper.
- 5). Turn on the faucets in the RV one at a time and allow the chlorinated water from the tank to run through each for about two minutes.
- 6). Drive the RV around for about 10 miles to allow the chlorine to agitate inside the tank.
- 7). Park the RV and allow the chlorinated water to sit inside the holding tank for two to four hours.
- 8). Drain the chlorinated water out of the freshwater tank by turning on all faucets, flushing the toilet and pulling the drain valve out of the holding tank. Replace the drain plug when the water has completely drained out.
- 9). Fill the freshwater holding tank again with freshwater from a city water hose through the gravity water fill.
- 10
Turn on the faucets in the RV one at a time and allow the freshwater to run through each for several minutes. Repeat until there is no water left in the holding tank. - 11
Refill the freshwater holding tank with the city water hose. This water will be safe to use.