Health & Medical Body building

Tips on Getting a 6 Pack

The first rule of 6 pack club is we don't obsess on the 6 pack! Wait, what? I know, I know, that sounds so wrong! But the reality is that the number one thing stopping people from getting those nice six pack abs is not their ab workout.
Most likely if you have any kind of decent ab workout you are already on your way to or have a 6 pack.
What? I can hear you asking it! It's there, it's hiding under that belly pooch.
The best thing you can do for getting a 6 pack is to create an environment that shows it.
If you are the guy that can already do 200 crunches, then most likely your 6 pack isn't showing because it's being covered.
So the first tip to getting that 6 pack is to actually get the rest of you healthy so it can be seen! The second tip is a good solid plan of action for those stomach muscles if you aren't already racking up 3 figure crunch numbers.
Okay, tip one is composed of 2 major parts to one equation: cutting down on that belly pooch! Part one is don't diet! What? Yeah, I'm going for mass hysteria here! Dieting fails the vast majority of the time! You have to change your lifestyle into something sustainable that you enjoy.
Enjoy is the key here.
If your idea of losing weight is constantly counting calories and charting your consumption, how long do you really think you can keep it up? Seriously.
If you are anything like me even just the idea of tracking all that stuff is painful.
Aren't we supposed to enjoy life? The best thing you can do is replace the yummy junk with even more yummy good stuff! This is possible! Trust me, I've been doing it and so far I've lost 40 pounds (20 more to go) and I very rarely miss the junk I gave up because I'm eating all kinds of yummy things, not that nasty "diet" food out there.
Part two is don't run yourself to death! What? Again with the crazy ideas! Yes, heavy cardio has the highest fat burn rate...
while you are doing it! This is the problem.
Real change requires continuous fat burn, not just burning fat while you are doing the exercise.
Check the math! There are tons of sites out there that will show the exact caloric burn from your cardio and you will quickly realize that to hit the calorie burn will take you hours upon hours of running every week, even more so if you walk! The best path is something that burns fat even after you're done.
This is where muscle gain comes into play! When the muscles repair themselves overnight from weight training, they continue to burn energy (which comes from your fat storage) to fix themselves and become bigger.
And don't panic! This does not require becoming the next Governator! Trust me, I'm no Hulk Hogan, but the little change I've already made has slimmed me up quite a bit.
Tip 2 is actually the easiest and it starts with another crazy statement: don't go crazy crunch happy.
Doing a 1000 crunches is not the best method.
Most likely you will simply fatigue the one set of muscles you are hitting and completely miss the others that are a vital part of that 6 pack look! You have to have variety in the routine.
Some crunches are good, but your workout should have various different exercises such as bicycles and stability ball crunches.
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