- 1). Stand in the shower under extremely hot water for as long as possible. You can also put your hair under running hot water in a sink. Hot water will help to fade your unwanted hair color.
- 2). Heat 1/2 cup olive oil on the stove or in a microwave for 10 seconds. The olive oil should be warm but not boiling. Saturate your damp hair with the olive oil, massaging it into the roots and down to the ends until all the hairs are completely covered. Put on a shower cap, and allow the olive oil to remain on your hair for 30 minutes.
- 3). Wash out the olive oil with a thickening shampoo. According to GetMadClothing.com, thickening shampoos open up hair cuticles and help in color removal.
- 4). Color your hair with a darker, semipermanent color if it becomes too light. Wait at least three days after the olive oil treatment to apply the color.