The word calorie is often misconstrued. It is a common understanding that people will gain weight by eating more calories than they burn.
Generally, humans need continuous provisions of glucose to generate power. People get glucose from starch. Starch is a carbohydrate compound formed by plants. Within the human digestive track starch is broken down into glucose molecule chains. Glucose goes into in the blood. Here it circulates all over the body, providing the living cells with energy. Seventy five percent of total energy required by a non-active person is utilized to carry out basic functions- metabolism, digestion, etc. Surplus glucose taken in during a meal is stored in the liver and bone muscles. Here glucose molecules combine into long simple sugar chain called glycogen. Stored glycogen is used for energy needed during work outs and strenuous activities.
Energy is the product of digested food. This energy, that gives power to the human body, is measured in calorie. All physical activities and bodily movements require certain amount of calorie. However, all biological functions such as breathing, digesting and sustaining vital organs require more calories.
There is a big difference between healthy foods and unhealthy ones in terms of calorie intake. The amount of calories humans need to produce must be sufficient to supply all their physiological functions and physical activities. Caloric requirements are not the same for everybody. Weight, foods taken, amount of sleep, age bracket, stress conditions and activities are some factors that affect caloric requirements of a person.
Hence, a weight loss plan with low calorie diet can result to serious problems, such as muscle atrophy. This can happen when the body has insufficient calories derived from protein. If a person will not take in sufficient amount of calories day by day, vital organs will begin to breakdown. The heart will be affected seriously and may lead to cardiac muscles impairment. Prolonged low-calorie diet deprives the body with adequate energy to sustain normal condition. In effect, they can lead to malnourishment.
Start a weight loss diet solution program to reverse the deterioration process and repair your organs. In this' right calorie diet' program you will learn to feed your body with enough nourishment day by day. The human body knows the right amount of energy it needs for a healthy metabolism. Learn to listen to your body signals. Stop counting calories, let your body tell you, and know how to listen. Harness this natural body mechanism to guide you on your way to a healthy life with the right calorie diet.
Generally, humans need continuous provisions of glucose to generate power. People get glucose from starch. Starch is a carbohydrate compound formed by plants. Within the human digestive track starch is broken down into glucose molecule chains. Glucose goes into in the blood. Here it circulates all over the body, providing the living cells with energy. Seventy five percent of total energy required by a non-active person is utilized to carry out basic functions- metabolism, digestion, etc. Surplus glucose taken in during a meal is stored in the liver and bone muscles. Here glucose molecules combine into long simple sugar chain called glycogen. Stored glycogen is used for energy needed during work outs and strenuous activities.
Energy is the product of digested food. This energy, that gives power to the human body, is measured in calorie. All physical activities and bodily movements require certain amount of calorie. However, all biological functions such as breathing, digesting and sustaining vital organs require more calories.
There is a big difference between healthy foods and unhealthy ones in terms of calorie intake. The amount of calories humans need to produce must be sufficient to supply all their physiological functions and physical activities. Caloric requirements are not the same for everybody. Weight, foods taken, amount of sleep, age bracket, stress conditions and activities are some factors that affect caloric requirements of a person.
Hence, a weight loss plan with low calorie diet can result to serious problems, such as muscle atrophy. This can happen when the body has insufficient calories derived from protein. If a person will not take in sufficient amount of calories day by day, vital organs will begin to breakdown. The heart will be affected seriously and may lead to cardiac muscles impairment. Prolonged low-calorie diet deprives the body with adequate energy to sustain normal condition. In effect, they can lead to malnourishment.
Start a weight loss diet solution program to reverse the deterioration process and repair your organs. In this' right calorie diet' program you will learn to feed your body with enough nourishment day by day. The human body knows the right amount of energy it needs for a healthy metabolism. Learn to listen to your body signals. Stop counting calories, let your body tell you, and know how to listen. Harness this natural body mechanism to guide you on your way to a healthy life with the right calorie diet.