Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Healthy Eating and Exercise For a Sexy Post Pregnancy Body

Pregnancy marks the beginning of a new chapter for being a woman.
As our baby grows in our tummy the more we feel hungry and eat a lot and gain excess weight during pregnancy and after giving birth and that's what we are concern about, OUR BODY getting bigger.
Mostly woman are having a hard time bringing back their sexy body after pregnancy but they don't know that losing weight to be sexy after pregnancy is easy with determination.
Basically, you need to eat the right foods and do some exercise but doing this needs to be carefully administered especially when you have just given birth and breastfeeding.
You don't want to go back to your doctor because of the stitches, or bleeding, or even having an unhealthy baby.
Diet after birth is a no-no, you need to have foods that have protein, iron and folic acid for your baby's development and growth and for your health, too 'cause you are still recovering.
Stay away from the fast foods, these foods have lots of calories and do some exercises like walking.
The best thing to do especially for the first few months while your baby is still sleeping while you are pushing her stroller through out the park, some abdominal crunches to help firm up the post pregnancy belly and kegel exercise to firm up the pelvic muscles and always make sure to drink lots of water.
If you have lots of self-discipline, you can of course just put together a few exercises that you can do at home.
Some woman after giving birth wait for six months before doing exercises to bring the sexiness of the body or much better to ask your doctor before starting any exercises to be sure but if you feel that your body is already ready well go for it girl but when you feel pain, or stressed out or even bleeding stop the exercise.
There is no harm on stopping for a few weeks or even months.
You are not alone in this, mostly woman gain weight after.
To have a good balance of post pregnancy exercise that includes stretching and eating healthy will give good results.
So better be determined on your goal.
Remember that life with a new baby should be made easy, happy and impossible and will end up being the most beneficial to your overall goal, both physical and emotional.
So go girl be sexy and healthy.
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