Health & Medical Body building

The Number One Reason Why You Fail To Gain Muscle

In this article I would like to share with you the number one reason why you are struggling to add more lean muscle mass to your frame.
I think we can safely assume that you are already training and you are lifting weights at least three times per week, but no matter what you do in the gym you still fail to see any gains.
Am I right? You see, the number one reason why guys fail to gain muscle is not because they don't follow the right training plan or because they don't do the right exercises.
It's not because of bad genes or because they are so called 'hardgainers'.
It's simply because of bad eating habits.
The number one reason why skinny guys fail to gain muscle is simply because their diets are bad.
You see, if you weigh 160 pounds and if you want to get to up to 190 pounds then the first thing you need to start doing is eating like a person who weighs 190 pounds.
The first thing that you need to focus on is making sure that you supply your body with enough energy.
I am talking about calories.
To make your body grow, to start gaining muscle you need to supply your body with more than enough energy and this energy has to come from calories.
The point I want to make here is that to gain muscle you are going to have to eat a lot and by eating a lot I don't suggest to start eating ice cream and burgers everything single day.
No way.
You need to gather your calories from high quality foods.
You need to gather enough proteins to make sure that your body gets enough building materials for your muscles to grow, you need to eat enough complex carbohydrates to have plenty of energy and you need to eat plenty of healthy fats to make sure that your joint and hormonal production runs smoothly and efficiently.
When trying to gain muscle you need to focus on the basics.
When training you want to focus on the basic training principles and you want to focus on proven and tested exercises.
The same rules apply to your diet.
There's no need to reinvent the wheel and start following some complicated bodybuilding diet when all you need to do to start gaining muscle is to simply increase your daily caloric intake and make sure that your daily calories come from high quality foods.
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