- Traffic signs are familiar to even young children.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Primary age children, from 18 months through age 11, should be physically involved in the lesson to keep their attention from wandering. The traffic law game is an effective way to teach the importance of the 10 Commandments. Have a brief discussion on some of the basic traffic laws and signs, such as stop, yield and caution. Explain that they are for our safety, just like the 10 Commandments. Invite the children to make roads on the floor with masking tape. Have them color and cut out miniature paper road signs to place on their tape-roads. Let them use toy cars and guide them through street signs, comparing them to the laws God gave us. - Teaching the Young Women about the responsibilities of Priesthood bearers is fun in a game show format. "Are You As Smart As A Priesthood Bearer" follows the same premise as the popular game show "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?" Invite a couple of the Young Men into class to act as game show hosts. The girls will take turns choosing a category and answering questions having to do with different aspects of the Priesthood.
- Even adults need a little help paying attention. Prepare a bingo game board ahead of time for the lesson. Make sure the squares on the board are questions having to do with the lesson material you will be covering. Make several copies of the board and laminate them. Pass them out before the lesson and as each sister calls out a bingo, have her read the last question aloud and answer it. This is an effective way to encourage class participation and generate discussions.
- The Young Men are at an age where they are learning many things about the Priesthood and the scriptures. This can be a fun activity by doing a simple game called The Next Word. Prepare index cards in advance of the lesson. Write scriptures and quotes from several talks on the cards and place them in a jar or box. Divide the boys into several teams, depending on class size. Invite the first team to send one person to the front. He will pull a card out and read it aloud, leaving out a word or two. His team will have a certain amount of time to look up what was read and fill in "the next word."
Traffic Law Game
Are You As Smart As A Priesthood Bearer?
Relief Society Bingo
The Next Word