If you have been unfortunate enough to be plagued by those revolting nuisances that are tiny in proportion but gigantic in numbers i.e. fleas then I can totally sympathize with you. Having animals is fantastic but, getting visits from the parasites that can go with the territory is pretty grim. After the shock of finding them comes the what can I do to get rid of fleas in my home? Well, have you ever considered a flea trap as the perfect place to start?
Logically you know that you cannot get them gone overnight especially if you have a nasty infestation but, that does not stop you wanting that psychologically and it is difficult not to feel a bit grimy and unclean (although nothing could be further from the truth). What will really help give you some comfort though (because you can see the results in front of you) is using a flea trap.
They have come on leaps and bounds (no pun intended) in the last few years and for something so innocent looking they do a superb job of luring the adults and stopping them from bothering you ever again which is fantastic.
When you can actually look in and know that all those tiny black specks are loads less live ones to worry about it is a huge relief to know that you are doing something so positive that 1. Takes immediate effect. 2. Deals with so many so quickly.
You may be wondering how a small bit of plastic can do such a great job and it might help if I just explain briefly how and why fleas feed. They have a four stage lifecycle which compromises of egg, larva, pupa and finally adult. The adult needs a blood meal in order to be able to lay eggs and survive (although, worryingly adults can live for up to a year without food).
Prime targets for a good dinner are warm blooded vertebrates and that basically equals your cat, dog, rabbit or chickens and worse still, you too. Whilst it is gross, it is also pretty clever how nature gives anything its survival skills and by detecting heat or warmth and vibrations, which all of their food sources give off then our hopping friends know that a meal is close by.
Once they have had their fill, the female will lay her eggs which either stay with your animal or (and this is how you can end up being taken over and infested) the eggs roll off wherever your cat or dog wanders around your home. What the trap does is (this is so simple but so clever) is give out the same warmth and vibrations as you or your animals do and pretend to be an ideal food source. Lucky for us it would appear the hopping horrors are not blessed with too much grey matter and are lured into what they think is dinner. Good for us, bad for them.
Using a flea trap is the perfect place to start but, it is imperative to use a belt and braces approach to eradicate them totally. If you do not deal with the eggs and larva by using the correct treatments then you will find the cycle starting over again. So armed with the right products and this two pronged approach you will have them gone in no time.
Having done some additional research on flea eradication you can now discover some added benefits and information as well as see an entire range of flea eradication devices and treatments by going to=> http://www.squidoo.com/kill-fleas-in-house
Logically you know that you cannot get them gone overnight especially if you have a nasty infestation but, that does not stop you wanting that psychologically and it is difficult not to feel a bit grimy and unclean (although nothing could be further from the truth). What will really help give you some comfort though (because you can see the results in front of you) is using a flea trap.
They have come on leaps and bounds (no pun intended) in the last few years and for something so innocent looking they do a superb job of luring the adults and stopping them from bothering you ever again which is fantastic.
When you can actually look in and know that all those tiny black specks are loads less live ones to worry about it is a huge relief to know that you are doing something so positive that 1. Takes immediate effect. 2. Deals with so many so quickly.
You may be wondering how a small bit of plastic can do such a great job and it might help if I just explain briefly how and why fleas feed. They have a four stage lifecycle which compromises of egg, larva, pupa and finally adult. The adult needs a blood meal in order to be able to lay eggs and survive (although, worryingly adults can live for up to a year without food).
Prime targets for a good dinner are warm blooded vertebrates and that basically equals your cat, dog, rabbit or chickens and worse still, you too. Whilst it is gross, it is also pretty clever how nature gives anything its survival skills and by detecting heat or warmth and vibrations, which all of their food sources give off then our hopping friends know that a meal is close by.
Once they have had their fill, the female will lay her eggs which either stay with your animal or (and this is how you can end up being taken over and infested) the eggs roll off wherever your cat or dog wanders around your home. What the trap does is (this is so simple but so clever) is give out the same warmth and vibrations as you or your animals do and pretend to be an ideal food source. Lucky for us it would appear the hopping horrors are not blessed with too much grey matter and are lured into what they think is dinner. Good for us, bad for them.
Using a flea trap is the perfect place to start but, it is imperative to use a belt and braces approach to eradicate them totally. If you do not deal with the eggs and larva by using the correct treatments then you will find the cycle starting over again. So armed with the right products and this two pronged approach you will have them gone in no time.
Having done some additional research on flea eradication you can now discover some added benefits and information as well as see an entire range of flea eradication devices and treatments by going to=> http://www.squidoo.com/kill-fleas-in-house