Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Nobel Prize For Literature and a Poetry Book For the Ages

Why is it that Russian writers are so good at their trade? Some say that living in the Soviet Union as a good communist in the past has been quite trying at times and thus, they believe that it is this level of adversity that drives the strong character, and wisdom that embodies and enables these writers to excel.
This does make sense and because there are so many, that must indeed have to be at least part of the equation.
Poetry, especially good poetry is a treat to read, it makes you think and consider all that is, it drives creativity, emotion, passion and thought.
If this is why you read or write poetry and this too is part of your life's philosophy, then perhaps, I might be so bold as to recommend one of the greatest poetry collections available.
This is a book I own personally and have gotten much insight from.
I hereby recommend this poetry collection to you: "The Poems of Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak; Hallmark Editions, Kansas City, Missouri; 1967 Although this was written in 1967, these poems are timeless and beautiful and indeed some of the best poetry I have had the chance to ever read.
This book is also wonderfully illustrated by none other than Mr.
Bill Greer, which is quite a treat indeed.
As you know if you are a scholarly type of fine literature, Boris Pasternak won a noble prize in literature for his famous novel in 1958, yet, he never traveled to retrieve the prize.
Had he done so he would not have been allowed to return to the country he loved.
I hope you will add this book to your poetry collection shelf.
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